Фактори ризика за неплодност (стерилитет)

Фактори ризика за неплодност (стерилитет)

There are different risk factors for infertility such as:

  • Л 'старост. In women, fertility decreases from the age of 30. This can be explained by the fact that the eggs produced at this age more frequently have genetic abnormalities. Men over the age of 40 can also have reduced fertility.
  • The tobacco. Smoking reduces a couple’s chances of conceiving a child. Miscarriages are also said to be more frequent in smokers.
  • Алкохол.
  • Excessive consumption of caffeine.
  • Прекомерна тежина.
  • Excessive thinness. Suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia, for example, can interfere with a woman’s menstrual cycle and thus reduce her fertility.
  • Very heavy physical activity can disrupt ovulation.

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