Ауторитет родитеља: како натерати дете да послуша?

Ауторитет родитеља: како натерати дете да послуша?

Being obeyed is essential for educating a child and having a peaceful home. Depending on the age of the child, being obeyed may be difficult and it will be necessary to adopt various disciplinary methods, adapted to the age of the child.

Why be obeyed?

Obtaining respect is one of the foundations of a child’s education. The role of parents is to educate and grow the youngest. This sometimes requires authority and discipline. To be obeyed is to set limits, establish rules and enforce them. Sometimes that also means putting your children to safety.

The obedience of children allows them to understand the presence of a hierarchy in society. Children will find this hierarchy at school and then in their professional life; this is why instilling in them a certain discipline will allow them in the long term to be fulfilled and especially to understand the world around them.

Obey toddlers

Obedience is a habit to be acquired from an early age. Even in young children, it can be beneficial. For example, you have to know how to say no as soon as a child puts himself in danger or when he touches everything. Toddlers need to understand that there are rules to follow.

There are many techniques to gain respect from young children. You have to be persistent and know how to say no when you don’t agree. The child must understand that his action is prohibited, and this every day! We must not shout but make ourselves understood. It is essential to stand at the child’s height to speak to him and to catch his gaze even if it means holding his face.

With the youngest, it is not only necessary to punish. Learning the rules depends above all on explanations. The child must be told that he is in danger, that he damages or that he is not old enough to use certain objects. On the other hand, in the event of recurrence, it is necessary to raise the tone and reprimand in a measured and adapted manner.

Make children obey

Making yourself understood by children is not always easy. At each age, toddlers test the limits of parents and the adults around them. Firmness is often the order of the day. As with the youngest, you have to explain the rules. But children can understand and if they are not respected, they should be reprimanded. Once again, we remind you that the punishments must be adapted to the age of the child and to the stupidity committed.

It is possible to blackmail, as long as it is feasible. Of course if you go for this method, you have to stick to it! Otherwise, you will lose your credibility and it will be very difficult in the future to be obeyed. Be smart! You can deprive your children of TV but no dessert or history in the evening because they are essential.

Teenage obedience

In adolescence, relationships become more complex. Obtaining respect remains essential. Parents need to set limits more than ever. At the same time, they must accept that the child grows up and is independent. Talking with the teenager is a good idea. You have to explain yourself and listen, in short, there has to be an exchange.

To be obeyed by adolescenti, sometimes it is necessary to punish. The choice of punishment is important. The teen must understand his mistakes but he must not feel humiliated or even infantilized.

Грешке које треба избегавати

To exercise authority, there are rules to follow. It is indeed inconsistent to ask a child to adopt such or such an attitude if the parents do not do it properly. For example, when you have just asked a child for something, you should not give him another order until the previous task is finished.

At home, parents must agree to the rules and possible punishments. When one of them is in action with the child, the other must let him or her do it or support it. On the other hand, parents should not contradict each other.

Finally, it is imperative not to be obeyed by using force. Corporal punishment should be banned. They will have a negative impact on the child and will not allow the adult to be obeyed.

To be obeyed is essential at every age of the child. The methods and the punishments will evolve but parental authority will have to remain coherent to be beneficial.

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