
The main factors influencing the formation of the audience’s belief that they are facing a professional who understands the topic is

  • Trainer’s patch. The confident behavior of the coach, the “chips” demonstrating his coolness, create in the audience the feeling that the coach understands the topic professionally.
  • Model imitation of the coach. A coach who is perceived by the audience as a role model is usually perceived by this audience not only as an attractive person, but also as a high professional in the subject. This happens even if the coach is poorly versed in a particular issue.
  • Saturation of working information. Less water means more respect for the coach.
  • Релевантност садржаја (избор управо онога што је овим људима потребно).
  • Submission form. Well-prepared handouts, the use of projection equipment, the presentation of material in Power Point are moments that increase respect for the coach as a specialist in this matter. If the trainer guesses what this audience needs — the use of special terminology or a simple (business) style of presentation, he will be more highly appreciated by the audience as a professional.
  • Дубина познавања теме, лакоћа одговарања на паралелна и тешка питања.

Total: If it is, the participants will receive relevant and in-depth knowledge.

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