Проблем са недостатком тежине. Шта јести да бисте добили тежину?
Проблем са недостатком тежине. Шта јести да бисте добили тежину?Проблем са недостатком тежине. Шта јести да бисте добили тежину?

Although most people struggle with the problem of overweight, underweight also causes many problems, e.g. disrupting the functioning of the body. The psychological aspect is also involved – an underweight person would like to look healthier, i.e. gain weight, but in such a way as not to harm themselves. Diet for weight gain is characterized by increased calorie content, but the quality of the prepared meals is high and provides the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Meals should contain plenty of carbohydrates, protein and fat. People wishing to gain weight must exclude the possibility that being underweight is caused by a disease before starting such a diet. The number of calories increases from 500 to 700 (depending on the needs of the body). When it comes only to gaining weight, the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the menu is increased in equal measure, while if a person wants to increase his muscle mass and does sports, he mainly increases the content of proteins (up to 25%) and carbohydrates (55%).

A common mistake is to increase the protein content alone, which “solo” will not increase muscle mass – carbohydrates are also necessary for the muscles to work properly. That is why the diet for gaining weight must include:

  • Dairy products – cottage cheese, 3,2% milk, natural yoghurt and cheese,
  • A lot of fruit and vegetables – they are a source of microelements and vitamins. You should consume them 1-2 days,
  • Flavonoids – which remove excess free radicals, thus delaying the aging process of the body. Their increased consumption is mainly recommended for people who practice sports. Free radicals can also damage many organs, which is why they are very important. The most flavonoids are found in green tea infusion, parsley, horseradish, and red pepper extract.
  • Complex carbohydrates – groats, rice, noodles, pasta.
  • Water – You should drink about 1,5 liters of water a day. Preferably in the form of mineral water, green tea and fruit juices.

It is not recommended to eat fast food or sweets, because they can lead to weight gain, not healthy weight gain.

The main causes of underweight

Among the causes of underweight, the most common is an improperly balanced diet that provides too few calories. It is also caused by hormonal diseases, such as hyperthyroidism (it speeds up metabolism). Too low body weight can signal many diseases: cancer, pancreatitis, hepatitis, gastrointestinal diseases – celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.

The characteristic symptoms of underweight are primarily:

  • Слабост,
  • Immune disorders (susceptibility to infections),
  • decrease in concentration,
  • прекомерни губитак косе,
  • nail brittleness,
  • Тешкоћама у учењу.

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