Предности и штете алги за људско тело

Предности и штете алги за људско тело

Буди кале, also known as kelp, is popular in many coastal countries of the world, as it is the most valuable food product. There is a huge debate about the benefits and dangers of seaweed, about the advisability of its use not only for food, but also for medical purposes.

Kelp is mined in the Okhotsk, White, Kara and Japanese Seas, its use began in ancient China, where the product was delivered even to the most distant villages of the country at state expense. And it was not in vain that the authorities spent money on providing the population with this cabbage, because the Chinese are famous for their longevity and good health in old age precisely because of seaweed.

Today, kelp is used to make soups and salads, as a vitamin supplement, it is edible both pickled and raw. With its help, you can significantly improve your health, because in the composition of the sea, unlike ordinary cabbage, it contains twice as much phosphorus and ten times as much magnesium, sodium and iron. But is it so harmless?

Предности морског кеља

  • Helps prevent thyroid disease… Seaweed is one of the few sources of dietary iodine that is essential for maintaining proper thyroid function. The presence of a large amount of iodine in the composition of kelp (250 micrograms per 100 grams of the product) makes it especially useful for the prevention of endemic goiter, cretinism and hypothyroidism;
  • Saves vegetarians and raw foodists from vitamin deficiency… The composition of seaweed is rich in vitamin B12, which replenishes the body of the aforementioned groups of people, who often suffer from impaired functioning of the nervous system and liver due to its lack. It is worth noting that liver problems are often fraught with severe intoxication, which is why it is very important to replenish your body with vitamin B12, which is not produced in any plants except kelp.
  • Protects the gastrointestinal tract… Fiber, which is rich in seaweed, activates the functioning of the intestinal musculature, and also cleans it of radionuclides and toxic substances;
  • Has a laxative effect… Therefore, this product is recommended for weak motor functions of the digestive system and constipation;
  • Supports the normal functioning of the heart and strengthens blood vessels… Kelp contains an abundance of potassium and, as you already know, iodine, which together ensure the full functioning of the cardiovascular system and protect it from many related diseases, such as heart ischemia, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and so on;
  • Improves blood composition and production… Thanks to iron, cobalt, fiber and vitamin PP, regular consumption of seaweed helps to remove harmful cholesterol from the blood and normalize hemoglobin levels. The cholesterol antagonist contained in this product prevents this substance from accumulating in the blood and rising above the optimal level, thanks to which taking kelp helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis. More useful components of “sea ginseng” normalize blood clotting, preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • Чисти тело… By including kelp in your daily diet, you will cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metal salts and chemicals thanks to biologically active substances – alginates. Due to its cleansing properties, seaweed is recommended for residents of large industrial cities and metropolitan areas, as well as for women who are planning to become pregnant. It is also useful during pregnancy, since during this period it enriches the weakened female body with important vitamins and minerals and contains folic acid, which is very useful for the fetus. In addition, alginates not only neutralize harmful substances in the body, but also prevent the development of cancer and strengthen the immune system, having in their composition no less ascorbic acid than citrus fruits. It is known that Asian women suffer from breast cancer much less often than residents of other continents;
  • 50 grams of kelp per day helps you lose weight… A daily intake of seaweed inflicts a triple blow on your excess weight: it removes excess water from the body, activates metabolism and removes “waste” from the intestine after digestion, exerting a mild irritating effect on its walls, where the receptors are located. It is worth noting the energy value of seaweed, which is effective for losing weight – 100 grams of the product contains 350 calories and at the same time only 0,5 grams of fat;
  • Slows down the aging process and has a good effect on the condition of the skin… Seaweed has wound healing properties, accelerates the healing of burns, purulent wounds and trophic ulcers. Because of this, it is included in many balms and ointments. Dried and pressed kelp is effectively used in various dietary supplements that rejuvenate the body – this is ensured by the presence of vitamins A, C and E in the product. Kelp was also used in the field of cosmetology, as it is rich in vitamins PP and B6, which moisturize and tone the skin , strengthen hair roots and nails. With the help of seaweed wraps, you can get rid of cellulite. Hot wraps will help make the skin firmer, get rid of stretch marks, remove toxins from pores and accelerate the breakdown of fats in the subcutaneous tissue. Cold wraps, in turn, have a great effect on the metabolism with edema, fatigue and heaviness in the legs, as well as with varicose veins;
  • Јача нервни систем… B vitamins, vitamin PP, as well as magnesium protect a person from stress, depression and other nervous disorders, relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and regular headaches against a background of emotional stress, provide the body with energy, increase its efficiency and physical endurance;
  • Побољшава стање мишићно -коштаног система… Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus strengthens bones and teeth, helps prevent osteoporosis, rheumatism and other problems with joints and spine, and vitamin D, which is also a part of sea ginseng, in turn improves the absorption of these microelements;
  • Supports normal water-salt metabolism, water and acid-base balance… This is provided by elements such as sodium, potassium and chlorine;
  • The ability of seaweed to accelerate the patient’s recovery from upper respiratory tract disease is known.… For respiratory diseases, rinse infusions from dried kelp will help relieve pain and inflammation;
  • Kelp sticks are used by gynecologists to dilate the cervix for examination or before childbirth.

Штета од морских алги

Taking seaweed should be approached with extreme caution, because despite its enormous benefits, if misused, kelp can worsen human health and aggravate the course of certain diseases.

  • Absorbs not only useful, but also harmful substances… If you decide to use kelp for medicinal purposes, you need to ask the seller about the environmental conditions in which it was grown and grown. The problem is that in addition to valuable trace elements, seaweed also absorbs toxins;
  • Може изазвати алергијске реакције… Seaweed can be cooked in various forms: dried, pickled, and so on. Therefore, nutritionists recommend starting to use this product with caution, starting with small doses and gradually increasing them, especially for allergy sufferers;
  • Dangerous for hyperthyroidism and for people with high sensitivity to iodine… This is due to the high content of iodine in algae;
  • Has a number of contraindications… So, seaweed is not recommended for use by patients with nephrosis, nephritis, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, chronic rhinitis, furunculosis, urticaria and acne.

The benefits and harms of seaweed are very controversial. The fact is that kelp, partially devoid of its useful properties, is often sold on store shelves, especially as part of various salads. It is best to buy dried seaweed brought from northern latitudes. Doctors often state that algae harvested from the bottom of the southern seas contain insufficient amounts of iodine and other substances essential for human health.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of seaweed

  • Нутритивна вредност
  • vitamini
  • Мацронутиентс
  • Микроелементи

Калоријски садржај 24.9 кцал

Протеини 0.9 г

Масти 0.2 г.

Угљени хидрати КСНУМКС г

Органске киселине 2.5 г

Дијететска влакна КСНУМКС г

Вода 88 г.

Пепео 4.1 г

Витамин А, РЕ 2.5 мцг

бета каротен 0.15 мг

Витамин Б1, тиамин 0.04 мг

Витамин Б2, рибофлавин 0.06 мг

Витамин Б6, пиридоксин 0.02 мг

Витамин Б9, фолат 2.3 мцг

Витамин Ц, аскорбински 2 мг

Витамин ПП, НЕ 0.4 мг

Ниацин 0.4 мг

Калијум, К 970 мг

Калцијум, Ца 40 мг

Магнезијум, Мг 170 мг

Натријум, На 520 мг

Сумпор, С 9 мг

Фосфор, Пх 55 мг

Гвожђе, Фе 16 мг

Јод, И 300 μг

Video about the benefits and harms of seaweed

1 Коментар

  1. Nimefarijika sana kuhusu kuputa muongozo na masomo yanayohusu matumizi ya mwani. Ningependa kujua kuhusu kiwango (dose) ambacho mtu mzima au mtoto ambacho kinafaa kutumiwa naye kwa afya, au kuwa kama dawa kwao.

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