Simptomi srčanih problema, kardiovaskularnih bolesti (angina i srčani udar)

Simptomi srčanih problema, kardiovaskularnih bolesti (angina i srčani udar)

Symptoms of cardiovascular disorders

Symptoms can occur in intense and abrupt, but most of the time the discomforts are first мала, then amplify. If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your хитне службе.

For angina pectoris :

  • A бол, за ан нелагодност или tightening chest related to a physical effort or a strong emotion;
  • Pain or discomfort can irradiate towards the left side of the body (but sometimes towards the right side), and reach the scapula, arm, neck, throat or jaw;
  • Мучнина и повраћање;
  • Кратак дах;
  • Cold sweats and clammy skin.

За инфаркт миокарда :

Its manifestations resemble those of angina pectoris, but are more pronounced and persist longer (often more than 20 minutes). In the elderly and those with diabetes, the heart attack sometimes goes unnoticed.

Different symptoms for women?

It was long thought that this was the case. Some studies have supported the hypothesis that Жене more often have less pronounced warning signs, such as дигестивна нелагодност, зноја, за ан без даха great weakness. However, doctors now doubt that there is real dissimilarities. Према досадашњим сазнањима, бол у грудима are the most common symptom for both sexes. Women may minimize their symptoms or take longer to talk to a doctor than men. In addition, they are less aware of heart problems only men. In fact, in the past, they were less often victims of it prematurely.

Људи у ризику

  • From a certain старост, it is normal for the risk of cardiovascular problems to increase. At the људи, we consider that the risk begins to increase од 40 година, и међу Жене, after menopause.
  •  Људи укључујући и члана породица suffered from cardiovascular disorders early on (father or brother before age 55; mother or sister before age 65) are more at risk.


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