Фактори ризика за несаницу (поремећаји спавања)

Фактори ризика за несаницу (поремећаји спавања)

  • Vulnerability to stress, a tendency to anxiety, depression, trauma or other psychological or psychiatric problems.
  • Un околина not conducive to sleep: inadequate temperature, excessive lighting and noise, a night’s sleep at high altitude or with a snorer, etc.
  • Le јет лаг, ноћни рад or frequent changes inWork timetable.
  • A лоша хигијена сна (too long naps, a lack of daytime physical activity, too active evenings, irregular hours of sleep, etc.).
  • Предности routine changes (one night in a hotel room, in a friend’s house, etc.).
  • Прекомерна потрошња кофеин during the day or before bed: for example, tea, coffee, cola, energy drinks and chocolate. The биљни чајеви with mint can also have an exciting effect.
  • Потрошња одалкохол in the evening. Alcohol can make it easier to fall asleep. However, as the body metabolizes alcohol, sleep becomes fragmented and of poorer quality.
  • узимање фармацеутски over the counter, such as certain decongestants, pain relievers, and weight loss products (often containing caffeine and other stimulants), as well as prescription drugs, such as certain antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and corticosteroids.
  • Потрошња од Лекови stimulating the central nervous system, such as methamphetamine (which кристални мет) and cocaine. These substances decrease the feeling of tiredness or the feeling of needing sleep, as well as the appetite.
  • Un одвикавање (when you stop using tobacco, sleeping pills, antidepressants, anxiolytics, tranquilizers).
  • Smoking, especially in the evening.
  • For people with insomnia, theанксиозност linked to the fact that one has difficulty falling asleep maintains the problem. We then start to calculate the number of hours we have left to sleep, to think about how insomnia will harm us the next day, etc.

Risk factors for insomnia (sleep disorders): understand it all in 2 min

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