Our doctor’s opinion about the turista

Мишљење нашег доктора о туристима

Као део свог приступа квалитету, Пассепортсанте.нет вас позива да откријете мишљење здравственог радника. тхе Др Цатхерине Солано износи своје мишљење о туристички :

If you are going on vacation in an area at risk for tourists, leave with a first aid kit in which you will have noted the precautions to be taken. For example, print our health card. Add tablets that you will buy in pharmacies and intended to purify water (type Hydrochlonazone, Micropur, Aquatabs) and oral rehydration solutions (ORS). Also remember to bring the phone number or contact of your insurance, because it provides you with doctors that you can reach by phone for at least one opinion. Tourista is generally a lesser evil, but this last precaution could also be useful for any health problem.

Цатхерине Солано


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