Медицински третмани за анемију српастих ћелија

Супплементатион. Daily supplementation with folic acid (or vitamin B9) is necessary to promote the production of new red blood cells.

Хидрокиуреа. Originally, it was a drug against leukemia, but it was also the first drug found to be effective in treating sickle cell anemia in adults. Since 1995, it has been known that it can reduce the frequency of painful attacks and acute chest syndrome. Patients who use this drug also have less need for transfusion.

Furthermore, the combined use of hydroxyurea and erythropoietin would increase the effectiveness of hydroxyurea. Synthetic erythropoietin injections are used to stimulate red blood cell production and relieve fatigue. However, little is known about its long-term impact, in particular because of the risk of a dangerous drop in blood cell levels. Its use for children with sickle cell disease is still being studied.

Трансфузија крви. By increasing the number of circulating red blood cells, transfusions prevent or treat certain complications of sickle cell disease. In children, they help prevent stroke recurrence and enlargement of the spleen.

It is possible to repeat the transfusions, it is then necessary to be treated to reduce the blood iron level.


Various surgeries can be performed as problems arise. For example, we can:

– Treat certain types of organic lesions.

– Remove gallstones.

– Install a hip prosthesis in the event of hip necrosis.

– Prevent eye complications.

– Do skin grafts to treat leg ulcers if they do not heal, etc.

As for a bone marrow transplant, it is sometimes used in some children in case of very severe symptoms. Such an intervention can cure the disease, but it presents many risks without taking into account the need to find a suitable donor from the same parents.

NB Several new treatments are under study. This is the case in particular with gene therapy, which would make it possible to render inactive or correct the faulty gene.

In prevention of complications

Incentive spirometer. To avoid pulmonary complications, those with severe back or chest pain may want to use an inducing spirometer, a device that helps them breathe more deeply.

антибиотици. Because of the serious risks associated with pneumococcal infections in affected children, they are prescribed penicillin from birth until the age of six. This practice has greatly reduced mortality in this age group. Antibiotics will also be used to prevent infections in adults.

вакцинација. Sickle cell patients – children or adults – must protect themselves mainly against pneumonia, influenza and hepatitis. Routine vaccination is recommended from birth until the age of six.

In case of acute crisis

Против болова. They are used to combat pain in the event of an acute attack. Depending on the case, the patient may be satisfied with over-the-counter pain relievers or be prescribed more powerful ones.

Кисеоничка терапија. In the event of an acute attack or respiratory problems, the use of an oxygen mask makes it easier to breathe.

Рехидрација. In the event of painful attacks, intravenous infusions may also be used.

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