Кардиоваскуларна опрема за кућно окружење: преглед, предности и мане, карактеристике

Not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit the gym to keep my figure in shape. The perfect solution is cardio equipment for home that will help to lose weight, tighten body and even strengthen the immune system and heal the body. As you know, cardio workout is good for health and best way to lose weight and keep normal weight.

Cardiovascular equipment and their types

Despite the fact that cardio or aerobic exercise can be obtained with ordinary walking or running, specialized exercise equipment for cardio are very popular. In every gym there is an equipped area for aerobic workouts, where place track, cross trainers and exercise bikes. Most manufacturers of sports equipment release a similar model for the house in which you can do in order to pull the figure and lose weight.

At home cardio you can do anytime, whereas going to the gym, you need to make time and exercise in the open air depend on the vagaries of the weather.

Specialized exercise equipment for cardio intended for aerobic exercise that positively affect the health of the heart and nervous system, promote fat burning, saturation of the body with oxygen and increase metabolism. The principle of operation of each of them is based on reproducing the natural movements of the person. Popular exercise equipment for weight loss at home different design, which determines the type and degree of load on different muscle groups.

What is the use of cardio-loads:

  • fast calorie burning and boosting metabolism
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system and prevention of heart disease
  • muscle tone and improving the quality of the body
  • development of endurance and functionality
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and lowering cholesterol
  • activating blood circulation and normalizing blood pressure
  • improvement of bone tissue and increase bone density
  • enhance immunity and General health of the body
  • improved mood and increased amount of energy

There are several types of cardio equipment for the home environment, which have different effects on the body and functionality. Some of them are even those who do not run for health reasons, for example, people with diseases of the joints and cardiovascular system.

The most popular cardio machines for home are:

  1. бицикл
  2. Orbitrek (ellipsoid)
  3. Треадмилл
  4. степер
  5. Справа за веслање

Each species has its own features and benefits which depend on the choice of simulator for home use.


An exercise bike is a type of cardio equipment for the home, which simulates riding a bike. Due to compact design suitable for household use. The main load during the training process takes place on the lower part of the body: legs, thighs, buttocks. The height involved is minimal, and because the bike can’t replace a full workout in the gym.

During training on a stationary bike, the body is in a seated position, which minimizes stress on the knees and makes projectile suitable option for the elderly and people with a large overweight. There are horizontal and vertical design options, which differ in size and degree of stress on the targeted muscles. Horizontal is recommended as rehabilitation therapy, as it reduces the load on the spine, and vertical are a great exercise equipment for weight loss at home and keeping the body in shape.


  • цомпацт десигн
  • једноставан за коришћење
  • the ability to customize the difficulty of the activity
  • врло повољна цена
  • suitable for people with a large overweight (150 kg)
  • doesn’t stress the joints
  • ideal for rehabilitation therapy
  • тихо трчање


  • don’t lose top body
  • do not replace a full workout on the bike
  • the body quickly adapts to repetitive load

What muscles work the most: gluteus Maximus, biceps and quadriceps of the thighs, calf press, back muscles.

Efficacy for weight loss: an hour of exercise on a stationary bike can burn up to 500 calories, if you exercise at a fast pace or in the mode of increased complexity. Regular exercise on the cardio equipment for the house will significantly lose weight, make your body and pump legs.

Who should buy: people with a large overweight, elderly, losing weight, recovering after an illness and anyone who does not have the opportunity to attend the gym, but want to keep your figure in shape.

funkcija: ово је the best cardio with an emphasis on lower bodyas it allows to efficiently pump the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

The TOP 6 most popular exercise bikes

1. Upright bike DFC B3.2

2. Horizontal exercise bike DFC B5030 Mars

3. Upright bike Body Sculpture BC-1720G

4. Upright bike Fitness Evo Spirit

5. Upright bike Fitness Carbon U304

6. The Ergometer Hasttings DBU40

Елиптични тренер

Elliptical or ellipsoid simulates climbing stairs or walking on skis. The mechanism of motion for the ellipsoid gave the name of popular cardio equipment for home or gym. The dimensions of the elliptical design area exceeds a stationary bike, but many manufacturers of sports equipment release a compact elliptical for home use.

When training on the elliptical involves not only the muscles of the lower body, but arms, shoulders, back, which makes the ellipsoid more versatile option for a workout than an exercise bike. Orbitrek minimum loads of the knee joints making it an excellent choice for people with a large overweight.

Interval training on the treadmill for weight loss at home will be a great option for serious training at home. At the simplest ellipse you can select the level of difficulty that will increase the load to avoid muscle habituation. It is believed that elliptical training for cardio, which is better than just pumping the gluteal muscles, which are difficult to study in isolation without involvement of the muscles of the thighs and legs. On the elliptical you can achieve a qualitative examination of the gluteal muscles, which contributes to the fight against cellulite and General body tone. The pear also helps to work out thigh and calf muscles, giving the legs a beautiful relief.


  • лако научити
  • setting the level of difficulty
  • разумна цена
  • the minimum load of the joints
  • well considering the buttocks and legs
  • quiet running.


  • the amplitude of movements is different from the natural run or walk
  • minimally involved the upper body.

What muscles work the most: gluteus Maximus, biceps and quadriceps of the thighs, calf, abs, core muscles, back, muscles of the shoulder girdle and hands.

Efficacy for weight loss: an hour workout on the elliptical you can burn up to 600 calories, if you exercise at a higher difficulty mode or format of interval traininig. Regular training on ellipse will help you to lose weight as quickly as possible, subject to periodic increase in load and dieting.

Who should buy: people with a large overweight (up to 160 kg), for those who want to bring the figure in shape, to work the gluteal muscles and give relief to the feet. Orbitrek universal fits both men and women, it is possible to train even children, as the trainer as safe as possible and has almost no contraindications.

funkcija: ово је the best cardio equipment for the whole family, as it can be used even for children subject to safety.

TOP 6 most popular ellipsoids

1. Elliptical trainer Body Sculpture BE-5920HX

2. Елиптични тренажер Спорт Елите СЕ-304

3. Елиптични тренажер Фитнесс Царбон Е200

4. Elliptical trainer UnixFit SL-350

5. Elliptical trainer UnixFit MV 420

6. Elliptical trainer Sport Elite SE-E954D


The simulator is designed for full running or walking in order to lose weight or keep the body in shape. Treadmill is considered the most effective option for weight loss compared to other types of cardio equipment for the home environment, since it burned the most calories during the workout.

During class on the track works the entire body, which makes the simulator a versatile option for cardio to maintain shape. Movement on the track is not limited to the design features, in contrast to the stationary bike or the elliptical, making the same effective as a full workout in the open air.

Due to the variation of load level treadmill fits most people, regardless of age and weight. Seniors, people with overweight or patients in rehabilitation therapy can select the walk mode to increase the load as addiction or use simulator to support heart health and normalize blood pressure. Experienced athletes can work at a high level of speed to maintain the body in shape or to prepare for cross-country competitions.


  • the best exercise for weight loss at home
  • setup selection of speed and mode of training
  • an adequate substitute for cross-country training during the cold period of the year
  • during the workout involved the whole body
  • suitable for beginners and experienced athletes


  • великих димензија (but now models are available with foldable design)
  • висока цена
  • noise during operation
  • has contraindications for people with heart disease
  • strengthens the joints

What muscles work the most: the biceps and quadriceps thighs, gluteus, calf muscles, calf, foot muscles, the rectus abdominis, intercostal, pouzdano-lumbar muscles, the biceps and triceps of the arms.

Efficacy for weight loss: on a treadmill you can burn more than 600 calories per hour, if you train in interval or fast tempo. In walk mode you can get rid of 300 CC per hour. Regular exercise on the treadmill for cardio promote rapid weight loss, especially if you combine them with diet. Treadmill helps to improve the figure, to achieve relief, pump up the buttocks and legs.

Who should buy: actively losing weight, runners to prepare for races, athletes to maintain the shape at home.

funkcija: ово је the best cardio for weight loss, as it is comparable to a real Jogging exercises.

TOP 6 most popular treadmills

1. Manual treadmill SF BRADEX 0058

2. Magnetic treadmill Body Sculpture BT-2740

3. Electric treadmill Xiaomi WalkingPad

4. Electric treadmill FAMILY TM 300M

5. Electric treadmill UnixFit ST-600X

6. Electric treadmill LAUFSTEIN Corsa


Compact and functional treadmill for the home environment, which has almost no contraindications. A Stairmaster simulates walking or running up the stairs, and therefore excellent for losing weight and keeping yourself in shape, if no time to exercise in the gym. A key feature of the exercise for weight loss at home is its compactness, which means you can engage in anywhere at any time. Thanks to its lightness and small size the cost of the stepper is also different from the larger, more complex machines.

Some varieties of stepper can perform exercises with load on the back and press. Such models are considered universal, not only for losing weight but also for shaping and maintaining the body in shape when you can’t exercise fully. On the stepper, you can set the load level that is appropriate for your physical shape and weight that will allow you to train more efficiently.

There are variety of cardio equipment for the home with grab bars, handles or resistance bands for more resistance and increasing the load on different muscle groups. For beginners it is recommended to choose models with handles that minimize the risk of injury. For experienced users it is necessary to choose a model with resistance bands to further pump your arms and back.


  • компактна величина
  • врло ниска цена
  • has no contraindications
  • ефикасан за мршављење
  • helps to fight cellulite
  • you can adjust the level of the load.


  • you cannot use people with a large overweight (100 kg)
  • strengthens the joints
  • most models are not pumped upper body
  • with the wrong technique of exercise can get injured.

What muscles work the most: gluteus Maximus, biceps and quadriceps of the thighs, calf muscles and shins.

Efficacy for weight loss: an hour of training on the stepper you could burn up to 350 CC, if you exercise at a moderate pace. Regular exercise on the Stairmaster helps to tighten legs, pump up the buttocks and make the calf more prominent. Guaranteed to lose weight using a stepper, it is recommended to combine classes on the treadmill for cardio with home fitness.

Who should buy it: to all women who strive to keep the figure in the form of home and want to pump up the buttocks and legs.

funkcija: ово је the best cardio with a small budget and if not enough space at home.

The TOP 6 most popular Steppers

1. Climber Sport Elite GB-5106

2. Stepper DFC SC-S038B

3. Stepper Body Sculpture BS-1122HA-B

4. BRADEX stepper Cardio Twister SF 0033

5. Twister Stepper Torneo S-211

6. Stepper DFC SC-S085E

Справа за веслање

A simulator that reproduces the movement of the rower, designed for aerobic exercise at home and in the gym. During the simulator training included in the work of the muscles of the entire body. Unlike the treadmill and elliptical, which are primarily heavy legs, the rowing machine more effect on upper body, allowing you to efficiently work the muscles in the back, chest, arms and shoulder girdle.

A rowing machine is one of the safest types of exercise equipment for the home environment. It has no contraindications and is great for people of different age, weight and physical capabilities. At high load level on the rowing machine for cardio you can hold a real strength training, but the main function of the trainer is that cardiorespiratory training in the Wellness and toning purposes.


  • the effective load of the upper body
  • минималан ризик од повреде
  • gentle pressure on your joints and ligaments
  • suitable for people with problem knees
  • improves posture and eliminates back pain.


  • великих димензија
  • висока цена
  • not suitable for people with diseases of the spine.

What muscles work the most: the muscles of the back and chest, deltoid, trapezius, biceps and triceps, hands, forearm muscles, rectus abdominis, legs, buttocks.

Efficacy for weight loss: an hour of training on rowing machine can burn up to 600 kcal, with minimal loading of the joints and ligaments. Regular exercise will allow you to quickly lose weight and achieve a beautiful terrain at the top of the figure as well as strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Who should buy: the men who want to lose weight and keep your figure in shape without the gym, and also to anyone looking for a versatile cardio machine for the house on all muscle groups.

funkcija: ово је the best cardio, focusing on upper body so it is ideal for men who want to look fit and athletic.

TOP 6 most popular rowing machines

1. Rowing machine R403B DFC

2. Rowing machine Body Sculpture BR-2200H

3. Rowing machine DFC R71061

4. Rowing machine ProForm R600

5. Rowing AppleGate R10 M

6. Rowing machine NordicTrack RX800

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