Стање лепоте: како то започети?

There are such amazing people who by nature are not given ideal proportions, but despite this, we perceive them as infinitely beautiful despite the imperfections of the skin, figure, and speech. They broadcast a sense of self that conquers us. How do they do it? Beauty is a state, and you can cultivate it in yourself: learn to find, accept and share it. And there are exercises that help to master these skills.

Let’s immediately define in terms: there are standards of beauty, and none of us, objectively speaking, falls short of them. Because they are created using Photoshop, video color correction and other lotions. A lot has been said about these standards, someone fights them, someone disputes them – but in any case, they sit quite firmly in our heads.

These standards have a devastating effect on the inner sense of one’s own beauty, which is beneficial to modern marketing: when a person is satisfied with himself, he buys less. When dissatisfied – sales of cosmetics, corrective devices for the figure, the number of appeals to plastic surgeons is growing. But we can oppose something to the implanted stamped ideals. What? Your inner sense of beauty. Let’s talk about it: how to find it and learn how to share this beauty?

How to become a “freak”

To begin with, I propose to go from the opposite: what needs to be done to feel absolutely unattractive, ugly person? The technology is known: every time you look in the mirror, you need to focus on your own shortcomings and describe them in the most serious, disgusting inner voice.

– Here, a new wrinkle, another pimple has come out, the waist is in no gate, the chest used to be – but now mmm …

Many of us talk to ourselves like this every morning, not realizing what’s going on. The inner voice sounds so familiar that we do not even notice it. If you are not so cruel to yourself, then it is enough to notice your own imperfections in all reflective surfaces for about two weeks every day to drive yourself into complete discouragement.

In total, the factors are clear: we need a serious, authoritative inner voice (for many girls, for example, in such cases, the voice of a beloved or some ideal man sounds in their heads) plus time. We look at the reflection in the window and evaluate ourselves with dissatisfaction, plus mirrors in the bathrooms / toilets, plus windows and the front camera on the phone – just an hour and a half a day will turn out. And here is the desired result.

The Inner Voice We Need

If a person has been tracking his imperfections all his life, then simply turning this function off and on is not an easy task. Therefore, in order to turn internal conversations to my advantage, I suggest playing.

The first step is very simple: replace the serious voice that speaks inside with a sexy one. We all have this type of voice that we flirt with. There is? Now let him evaluate what is happening. Deep, playful, flirtatious.

“I have such protruding ears,” say to yourself in this voice.


– Baby, you can’t show yourself in public with such feet!

Feel the absurdity of what is happening? Is it getting harder to take your claims seriously? This is exactly what we are striving for.

Now step two: you need to make this voice habitual. The technique that will help us is called “anchoring”. Seeing a reflective surface, literally the very first glare from it, tell yourself: stop! And before you turn to her, remember your sexy inner voice. And only after that look at the reflection.

beauty outside

I have a great story about how this technique works, not only at the level of inner self-awareness, but also how it changes everything around. One girl, who mastered this exercise with an inner voice at a seminar, went home by train in the evening. And the next day, she said: in an hour of travel, the whole car got to know her – fun, easy and with drive. Why? Because in our trains there is a terrible shortage of people broadcasting beautiful states.

If you are looking for a new relationship, talking to yourself in a flirty way is a way to become attractive and alluring. A serious state from which you evaluate yourself as an unsuccessfully created being, like a poster that says: “Everything is terrible in my life, I need a person who will plug the gaping hole in my heart and save me from the horror of being” is not the most attractive advertisement. , agree. If it works, it probably won’t attract the best relationships. As someone great once said, beauty is the promise of happiness. And it starts from within, from the world with oneself.

World for health

Why do I regularly talk about how important it is to gently, cheerfully, provocatively talk to yourself, and not to press yourself and seriously assess the shortcomings? I mention this in every Youth and Spine Health seminar, and many people think that I just want to create the right atmosphere in this way. But it’s not. Constant internal conflict is like war, and war is destruction. In particular, the destruction of health. If a person daily, over the years, proves to himself that “something is wrong with me and this is not like that”, sooner or later he becomes “not like that”.

Internal stress leads to disease, which is scientifically proven. And the path to health begins with the fact that we accept ourselves – in particular, our body. We agree, gently joke and love. After all, objectively speaking, our body is our embodiment. Constantly criticizing, we will never enjoy it. And it deserves it.

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