
Да ли мислите да нисте као сви, да немате пријатеља и да вам је више пута речено да се чудно понашате? Може ли ово бити знак менталног поремећаја? Одговара Екатерина Микхаилова, психотерапеуткиња и стручњакиња часописа Психологије.

Екатерина Микхаилова

Дакле, драги анонимни: or you have a plainly unspoken question, or you can not read further. Every letter is somewhat similar to the author, and yours too: thoughts jump, then one thing is remembered, then another … It seems scary that some is not like that, there are no friends, you don’t like your parents, you don’t work, but you go — I want new tests, and certainly “about personality”. And all for the sake of answering the question “Am I crazy”?

Наравно да не. Ви тражите нешто друго: реците ми ко сам ја, јер ја ово не разумем. То се дешава са 16-17 година, а ви имате 24. И очигледно, живите као тинејџер…

Било би лепо да сазнате шта можете добро да урадите, које способности се нису развиле у том причљивом хаосу у коме утапате аларм.

And I’ll tell you this: you are not a «crazy», but just a very, very neglected person, усамљен, немиран и неред у глави. Можда те родитељи заиста нису правилно васпитали, али неће више да одрасту. Дакле, једина опција је да се образујете.

And I would start not with friends, but with attention, thinking and speech. If you are interested in tests — great, find a way to test your attention and solve logic puzzles. If necessary, find exercises for attention, even for children, no one will know anyway. Breaking will be terrible: boring, tedious, and you are “too cool”, yeah. But until you teach yourself at least some kind of composure and patience, nothing else will work either, it will continue to throw from “scary” to “do not care” and vice versa, and life passes.

Енергије има много, али без циља се вози у круг, attached to nothing. It would be good to find out what you can do well, what abilities did not develop in that talkative chaos in which you drown the alarm. Your oddities are of no interest to anyone, so stop flaunting them, but you really need help. Only you don’t know how to get it, and no one has it. So all hope is in yourself — such as it is.

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