Olympic psatyrella (Psathyrella olympiana)

  • Одељење: Басидиомицота (Басидиомицетес)
  • Пододељење: Агарицомицотина (Агарицомицетес)
  • Класа: Агарицомицетес (Агарицомицетес)
  • Подкласа: Агарицомицетидае (Агарицомицетес)
  • Редослед: Агарицалес (Агариц или Ламеллар)
  • Породица: Псатхиреллацеае (Псатиреллацеае)
  • Род: Псатхирелла (Псатирелла)
  • Тип: Psathyrella olympiana (Olympic psatyrella)


  • Psathyrella olympiana f. amstelodamensis
  • Psathyrella olympiana f. sod
  • Psathyrella amstelodamensis
  • Psathyrella cloverae
  • Psathyrella ferrugipes
  • Psathyrella tapena

Псатхирелла олимпиана (Псатхирелла олимпиана) фотографија и опис

глава: 2-4 centimeters, in rare cases up to 7 cm in diameter. At first almost round, ovoid, then it opens to semicircular, bell-shaped, cushion-shaped. The skin color of the cap is in light brown tones: grayish brown, brownish brown, grayish brownish, darker, with ocher hues in the center and lighter towards the edges. The surface is matte, hygrophanous, the skin may be slightly wrinkled at the edges.

The entire cap is profusely covered with very fine white rather long hairs and thin scales, which are more densely located closer to the edge, due to which the edge of the cap looks much lighter than the center. Long hairs hang from the edges in the form of openwork white flakes, sometimes quite long.

Плоче: adherent, closely spaced, with numerous plates of different lengths. Light, whitish, grayish-brown in young specimens, then gray-brown, gray-brown, brown.

ринг as such is missing. In a very young psatirella, the Olympic plates are covered with a white veil resembling a thick cobweb or felt. With growth, the remains of the bedspread remain hanging from the edges of the cap.

Псатхирелла олимпиана (Псатхирелла олимпиана) фотографија и опис

Нога: 3-5 centimeters long, up to 10 cm, thin, 2-7 millimeters in diameter. White or light brownish, whitish brownish. Fragile, hollow, pronounced longitudinally fibrous. Abundantly covered with white villi and scales, like on a hat.

Каша: thin, fragile, in the leg – fibrous. Off-white or creamy yellowish.

Мирис: does not differ, weak fungal, sometimes “specific unpleasant odor” is indicated.

Укус: није изражено.

Spore powder imprint: reddish-brown, dark red-brown.

Spores: 7-9 (10) X 4-5 µm, colorless.

Psatirella Olympic bears fruit in autumn, from September to cold weather. In regions with a warm (hot) climate, a wave of fruiting in the spring is possible.

Grows on dead wood of deciduous species, on large deadwood and branches, sometimes near stumps, on wood sunk into the ground, singly or in small groups, can form intergrowths.

It occurs quite rarely.


Фото: Александар.

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