Fellodon fused (Phellodon connatus) or Blackberry fused

  • Одељење: Басидиомицота (Басидиомицетес)
  • Пододељење: Агарицомицотина (Агарицомицетес)
  • Класа: Агарицомицетес (Агарицомицетес)
  • Подкласа: Инцертае седис (неизвесног положаја)
  • Редослед: Тхелепхоралес (Телефориц)
  • Породица: Банкерацеае
  • Род: Пхеллодон
  • Тип: Phellodon connatus (Phellodon fused (Hedgehog fused))

Пхеллодон спојен (Јеж спојен) (Пхеллодон цоннатус) фотографија и опис

This mushroom is quite common, as well as felted fellodon. Phellodon fused has a hat about 4 cm in circumference, gray-black, irregular in shape. Young mushrooms have whitish cap margins. Often in a group several hats grow together. The lower surface is covered with short spines that are white at first and then turn gray-purple. The stem of the mushroom is short, black and thin, shiny and silky. Spores are spherical in shape, covered with spines, not colored in any way.

Пхеллодон спојен (Јеж спојен) (Пхеллодон цоннатус) фотографија и опис

Phellodon fused in coniferous forests it is quite common, especially on sandy soil among pines, but also comes across in mixed forests or spruce forests. Its growth period falls on the months from August to November. Belongs to the group of inedible mushrooms. It is very similar to black urchin, which is also inedible. But the color of the cap and thorns of the blackberry is black and blue, and the leg is thick, covered with a felt coating.

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