
On the one hand, parents should have uniform requirements for children. On the other hand, there are features of male and female parenting style. How to take into account and link all this?

Each parent, acting as a united front with the other, must achieve their own instructions.

Материјали са сајта Школе живота

You are absolutely right parents should act as a united cohesive front, and the demands should be the same … but from my own experience I can say … I am a submariner and in total spent at sea and in combat services for more than 6 years … after coming from military service, of course, my wife gave out everything that the children did to me in my absence … to which I always told her … I need to solve problems myself … at the time they arise … I have three children and already six grandchildren … once I besieged my daughter and punished her for her bad attitude towards her mother … and what do you think, she didn’t do this anymore with me … and when I was not at home, my mother received the full program … hence the conclusion that each parent, acting as a united front with the same requirements, must seek to fulfill his instructions himself … without the help of the second parent … a father cannot punish a child for not doing what his mother told him … the mother should punish the child for not doing it, and the father should only support her … and not interfere …

Видео од Иана Схцхастиа: интервју са професором психологије НИ Козлов

Теме разговора: Каква жена треба да будеш да би се успешно удала? Колико пута се мушкарци жене? Зашто је тако мало нормалних мушкараца? Цхилдфрее. Родитељство. Шта је љубав? Прича која не може бити боља. Плаћајући прилику да будете близу лепе жене.

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