Јеловник са историјом: припремамо традиционална јела руске кухиње

Russian cuisine with simple and clear tastes, familiar from childhood, remains the most native and beloved for us. An invariable ingredient of many dishes is raw sunflower oil. In the old days, it was added to a variety of dishes and drinks, giving them a unique taste and healing properties. Where did raw butter come from in Russia? Why is he valued so highly? What delicious and useful things can be prepared from it? We understand everything with the experts of the Vivid brand.

How the sunflower took root

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Sunflower has taken root on Russian soil in every sense thanks to To Peter I. Along with other innovations, the tsar brought it from Holland. However, at first the plant was considered decorative, and even the seeds were not used for food.

The fact that it is possible to get oil from sunflower was the first to guess the serf Danila Bokarev from the Alekseevskaya sloboda of the Voronezh region. Out of curiosity, he made a manual churn and squeezed several buckets of oil from the harvested peeled seeds. The new product was quickly appreciated, and a year later sunflower crops increased many times. Three years later, the first creamery in the country was built in Alekseevka. Over the next 30 years, the production of raw butter reached such a scale that it was exported to Europe. The church recognized raw butter as a lean product, and it was eaten all year round. The oil was added to cereals, soups, salads,pastries, homemade pickles and jelly.

The cold-pressed technology is still successfully used today. In particular, for the production of cold-pressed sunflower oil Vivid. The seeds have an ambient temperature before getting under the press and are not artificially heated during the entire pressing process. Vivid sunflower oil does not contain ballast substances, and thanks to the cold filtration technology, it has a lower content of harmful waxes. The result is a natural product of high quality, which has preserved a rich taste and all the useful properties.

Bogatyrskaya porridge

What dishes of Russian cuisine are usually prepared from raw butter? One of the most popular dishes is buckwheat porridge with mushrooms. You can fry Vivid on unrefined raw-crushed oil without any fears. When heated, it does not emit any specific smell, does not foam and does not “shoot”, and most importantly, does not form carcinogens.

So, pour 200 g of buckwheat 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, add salt and cook under the lid until all the liquid is absorbed. Fry a crushed garlic clove and an onion in a frying pan in cold-pressed Vivid oil. Add 100 g of mushrooms, a handful of chopped dill, salt and pepper. Mushrooms with onion frying should become golden. We put the buckwheat porridge in a plate, mix it with fried mushrooms, sprinkle it with Vivid raw butter — in this form we serve the dish on the table.   

A hearty lunch in pots

Cabbage soup was prepared in Russia from about the IX century. There are a great many variations of soup. We will make stewed cabbage soup from sauerkraut and wild mushrooms with the addition of Vivid raw butter. Thanks to its subtle pleasant aroma and unique taste of young sunflower seeds, cabbage soup will acquire the same Russian flavor.

Fill 50 g of dried wild mushrooms with 2 liters of warm water, leave for 15 minutes, then cook until tender and chop. We filter the mushroom infusion — it will still be useful. Pour a part of the infusion of 100 g of sauerkraut in a baking dish and put it in the oven at 140 °C for an hour. We make a roast of 2 onions and carrots in cold-pressed Vivid oil. Add a small turnip cube and continue to fry until softened.

Now we take clay or ceramic pots, fill them with cabbage, vegetable roast with turnips and mushrooms. Fill everything with mushroom infusion, sprinkle with chopped parsley with garlic, cover with foil and put in the oven at 180 °C for an hour. Serve the fragrant soup directly in the pots.

A small fish pleasure

If the conversation turns to pies, unbuttons immediately come to mind. We will make a fish filling, and add Vivid raw butter to the dough. It will give the dough elasticity and strength, and the finished pastry will turn out airy and ruddy.

We dilute in 200 ml of warm milk 25 g of live yeast, 1 tbsp. l. flour and 1 tsp. sugar. We put the sourdough in the heat until it rises. Then add 350 g of sifted flour, 3 tbsp of cold-pressed Vivid oil, an egg and 1 tsp of salt. Knead the dough, cover with a towel and leave alone for an hour.

Passeruem until transparent 2 large onions with a cube on the raw butter Vivid. We cut 500 g of fillet of any white fish into slices, mix it with fried onions, season with salt, black pepper, chopped dill and crushed garlic.

We roll out 12 tortillas from the dough, put the filling in the center of each, form “boats” with a hole in the middle. Grease the pies with a mixture of egg yolk and milk and bake in the oven at 180 °C for half an hour. Immediately put a slice of butter in the hole of each. Fish pies are especially good when they are completely cooled down.

Cereal smoothie in Russian

Oatmeal jelly in Russia was drunk with pleasure, often adding raw butter. Such a drink gave vigor and strength, and also improved the work of the stomach. We will cook the jelly according to an old recipe and add Vivid raw butter to enhance the benefits. It has been proven that with regular use, it reduces cholesterol levels, improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.

So, pour 500 g of washed oat seeds with a liter of water in a saucepan, put a slice of stale rye bread. We send the starter culture to a dark, dry place for a day. Then we filter the infusion: put the liquid part on a low heat, leave the thick part for reuse.

Pour 1.5 tablespoons of starch into the boiling infusion, stand on the stove for a couple of minutes. At the end, we mix 2-3 tablespoons of cold-pressed Vivid oil. It remains to let the thick, hearty drink cool down. You can add cranberry juice, natural yogurt or honey to oatmeal jelly — you will get a delicious and healthy dessert.

Native Russian dishes will always have a place in the everyday menu. To get closer to the original, use Vivid cold-pressed sunflower oil. It is prepared in compliance with the traditional recipe of this raw butter. This means that you have at your disposal a natural product in its pure form, which will give the dishes a real Russian flavor, make them extremely tasty and healthy.

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