Медицински третмани за хипотензију

Медицински третмани за хипотензију

A низак крвни притисак that does not cause symptoms or produces brief, infrequent moments of dizziness when standing up does not usually require treatment.

Treatment for hypotension greatly depends on the underlying cause. The modification of животне навике is usually sufficient (see Prevention section).

Medical treatments for hypotension: understand everything in 2 minutes

Када'хипотензија is константа and associated with taking medication, your doctor will likely advise you to stop or reduce your medication.

When orthostatic hypotension significantly reduces quality of life and precautionary measures fail to reduce symptoms, фармацеутски may be prescribed. They act either on the nervous system or on the control of blood volume3.

The medicine most often prescribed is fludrocortisone (Florinef®): it causes an increase in blood volume. Midodrine can also be used 30 minutes before getting up, for example, then at 2 or 3 times of the day. In case of mild hypotension, pyridostigmine may also be prescribed. Also, medicines that slow stomach emptying (for example, acarbose) can help treat postmeal hypotension in people with diabetes. In all cases, close monitoring should be carried out by the doctor to avoid sudden increases in blood pressure. As a last resort, the installation of an electrosystolic trainer (пејсмејкери) may aid in treatment by increasing the откуцај срца основни.

What to do if a loved one passes out?

Lay the person down and raise their feet to bring blood to their brain. If the fainting is due to an attack of hypotension, the person will regain consciousness immediately. If the person does not regain consciousness quickly, call for emergency services.


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