
Successful athletes and businessmen have one thing in common: they know how to quickly get back on their feet. When the conditions of the game change, it does not unsettle them. They even seem to get extra energy and instantly adapt to the new situation. How do they do it?

These are the strategies Jim Fannin advises athletes to practice when they are preparing for a competition. Practice like they do so that you can quickly react to changes in the situation and not get lost if you start to lose.

1. Хладноћа

If the opponent starts to win, any athlete has enough strength to endure this spectacle without panic. In sports, the winner is the one who remains calm in all situations. He has no time to complain about conditions or injustice. The one who has a real sports character still remains in the game, concentrated on it, and it often happens that by the second round everything changes already in his favor.

2. Pause while pressing

When the excitement builds and pressure is put on us, thoughts start to rush about, and we often make mistakes. Take a break. In tennis, for example, this can be done in those few seconds when the players change places. A pause will allow you to switch from obsessive thoughts about losing, help you concentrate and consider further actions.

3. Don’t change the way you play

Champions rarely give up on their play style. They know that thanks to him they won previous fights. You should not rush about and radically change something on the go, doubt what used to bring you victories. There are still strengths in your playstyle, focus on them.

Stay calm and pay attention to enemy weaknesses

4. Change tactics

From aggressive attack to passive defense. Slow down the race, then speed up. Raise your chin, look your opponent in the eyes and smile. It’s only been a minute, but you’re in control of yourself and your game again. If you start losing, you have 90 seconds to fully regain control of yourself and what is happening. Panic is useless.

Most athletes have 2-3 leading game tactics. In golf you have 3 clubs. There is, for example, a driver for the most subtle and accurate game, and wood is heavier and shorter. If you miss with a thin stick, change it to a heavy one. If the first serve in tennis is not impressive, put all your strength into the second, but do not allow the thought: «That’s it, I lost.»

5. Look for enemy weaknesses

It seems like a paradox — after all, if a turning point has come in the game, then the enemy is stronger than you? Yes, now he is stronger in the game, but you still control your thoughts. And you can’t think: “He is stronger.” Remain calm and pay attention to the enemy’s weaknesses. As they say in sports, helping your opponent lose is winning.

6. Direct energy outward

Keep thinking about the game and your strategy in the new environment, even if the reality is not what was planned. And don’t focus on fatigue and your mistakes.

7. Talk positively about yourself.

“I have a good pace”, “I entered the turn well”. Mark all the moments of what is happening in this vein.

Many champions have been able to win a race after remembering the music to which they practiced during a tense moment.

8. Remember the rhythm that always gives strength

Many champions have been able to win a race or win a game after remembering in a tense moment the music they used to train to. Her rhythm helped them pull themselves together and turn the tide of the game. This music is an important element of psychological preparation for the game.

9. Think only about what you want (not about what you don’t want)

“What about my serve?”, “I don’t want to lose”, “I won’t make it.” During the game, such thoughts should not be in the head. Perhaps this is the first and natural reaction, but it will not bring victory.

10. Remember the result

This will help you stay fully in the game and turn on your intuition. This is important because your opponent will feel your confidence and energy. Perhaps he will become nervous and make a mistake in the game.

11. Будите спремни на промене у сваком тренутку

Competitions in sports, negotiations in business require calmness and high concentration. If you accept for granted the fact that changes happen to everyone and they are not always predictable, you can quickly return to the game collected and fully in command of the strategy already in the new conditions.

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