Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) – Complementary Approaches

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) – Complementary Approaches

For additional approaches to hot flashes associated with menopause, see our Menopause sheet.


Walnut, sage.


Орах (Juglans regal). Commission E recognizes the use of decoctions of walnut leaves as an application (poultice or bath) for the treatment of excessive sweating of the hands and feet. According to Commission E, walnut leaves have, among other things, astringent, antifungal and antibacterial properties.


Boil 15 g to 2 g of dried leaves in 3 ml of water over low heat for about 100 minutes. Strain the decoction and use it to make compresses or baths. Repeat twice daily as needed.

 Сага (Салвиа оффициналис). Commission E and ESCOP recognize the use of sage leaves internally as a treatment for excessive sweating. The rosmarinic acid contained in the plant would contribute to its neuroprotective action.


Consult the Sage (psn) file for other ways to use it internally.


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