Како контролисати епидемију БА.5? Експерт указује на две промене које треба одмах применити
Коронавирус Шта треба да знате Коронавирус у Пољској Коронавирус у Европи Коронавирус у свету Мапа водича Често постављана питања #Хајде да причамо о

“Vaccines are not working as well as they used to be,” said Australian COVID-19 expert Dr. Norman Swan. Therefore, it is necessary to make two important changes. One of them is the return to the common wearing of masks.

Australian covid expert Dr. Norman Swan said it was necessary to “beg people” not to go to work and restore mandatory mask wearing because vaccines “are not working as well as they used to be,” Australian news.com.au reported on Monday.

“We must order the wearing of masks”

“We probably need to mandate the wearing of the masks in high-risk environments, otherwise, when the next variant comes and is more contagious, there will be a greater risk of becoming seriously ill or killed,” said Dr. Swan.

According to the expert, the new Omikron sub-variants BA.4 and BA.5 are resistant to vaccines and also attack people who have had the disease before. This is leading to an increase in the number of sicknesses and hospitalizations in Australia and around the world.

Australian Health Minister Mark Butler warns that millions of new cases can be expected in the coming months. On Monday, 39 thousand jobs were recorded in Australia. 028 new SARS-CoV-2 infections and 30 died.

Проверите да ли је ЦОВИД-19. Брзи антиген за присуство вирус САРС-ЦоВ-2 Брис за нос можете пронаћи у Медонет Маркету за кућну употребу.

“We are not passing the virus any gentler”

«Unfortunately, contrary to expectations, we are not immune to the virus and we are not passing it more gently. With re-infection, there is an increased risk of complications from heart disease, kidney disease, and other side effects that are independent of vaccination, ”said Dr. Swan. He added that the virus confuses scientists because a new dominant variant appears approximately every six months.

«He’s not behaving as immunologists expect. BA.4 and BA.5 behave as if they were a new variant, even though they are Omicron sub-variants »- he noted. He also said vaccinations are “not enough” and called on the government to take other action on COVID-19. “We have to slow it down and beg people not to go to work if they don’t have to. Young people also face long-term side effects. It is not a common cold or the flu »concluded Dr. Swan.

Да ли сте били заражени ЦОВИД-19? Обавезно проверите своје здравље. Пакет Хеалинг Блоод Тест Пацк, доступан на Медонет Маркету, може вам помоћи у томе. Можете их направити и код куће.

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