Колико дуго кувати компот од поморанџи и лимуна

Cook oranges and lemons compote for half an hour.

Компот од поморанџи и лимуна


Лимун - 1 комад

Наранџаста - 1 комад

Вода - 4 литре

Шећер - 3 кашике

Мед - 3 кашике

How to cook oranges and lemons compote

1. Rinse orange and lemon thoroughly, remove all seeds and cut into thin slices.

2. Put all the food in a saucepan, cover with 3 tablespoons of sugar and crush them slightly with a fork to start giving juice.

3. Add 4 liters of cold water to the citrus pan, put on fire and boil.

4. After the compote has cooled down to about 40 degrees, add 3 tablespoons of honey (if you put it directly into boiling water, then all the beneficial properties of the bee product will disappear).

5. Let the compote cool down and can be consumed.


Компот од поморанџи и лимуна


Лимун - 2 комада

Наранџаста - 2 комада

гранулирани шећер - 3/4 шоље

Вода - 1,5 литре

Како направити џем од наранџе и лимуна

1. Wash 2 pieces of orange and lemon under running cold water.

2. Cut citrus fruits into large slices and remove seeds from them.

3. Pour 1,5 liters of water into a saucepan, add chopped oranges and lemons and boil for a couple of minutes.

4. Add 3/4 cup of sugar to the hot broth (for those who like it sweeter – you can use a glass) and stir it until it is completely dissolved. Strain the compote before serving and refrigerate. You can help yourself.

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