Goodbye anxiety: the effective method to live calmly

Goodbye anxiety: the effective method to live calmly


Ferran Cases, author of “Bye bye anxiety”, has designed quick and efficient guidelines to avoid suffering from this disease again

Goodbye anxiety: the effective method to live calmly

Austrian psychiatrist and philosopher Viktor Frankl used to say that “when we are no longer capable of changing the situation, we are faced with the challenge of changing ourselves”, and that is what Ferran Cases promotes in his book “bye bye anxiety». He is not a psychologist, but he does have important knowledge about anxiety, which he has suffered for more than 17 years, and in his first book, where he does not define himself as an “influencer, much less a motorcycle salesman”, he reveals the method more complete and effective for say goodbye to anxiety, created by himself.

Stitches in the chest, suffocation and paralysis in the limbs was what led him to discover what anxiety is and how it manifests itself in different ways in each person. According to the latest data from the WHO, around 260 million people in the world suffered anxiety in 2017 and the General Council of Psychology of Spain indicates that nine out of ten Spaniards suffered from it during that same year. A pathology that has also exploded among the youngest and that has already been classified as “the silent epidemic of the XNUMXst century.”

The thoughts, causing anxiety

Ferran Cases, author of «Bye bye anxiety», A fast and effective method to live calmly, it is clear that the mind is the cause of anxiety:« The way we perceive reality is what ends up causing the symptoms that makes us go through so badly », and explains that this happens because our brain is receiving an unreal stimulus as if it were real, and the body, in order to survive, acts accordingly. Imagine that you are worried because you have to deliver a report at work on time and you see that you do not arrive. Your brain interpret that thought as a danger, just like if a tiger were to eat you, and your body goes into a state that psychologists call a ‘flight or attack reaction.’ it circulates faster through the body and it heats up with the intention of attacking or running away from the aggressor, ”explains the expert.

Not sleeping causes anxiety

The Ferran Cases method has not neglected the ideal hours of sleep so as not to motivate the appearance of anxiety, closely linked to the time we sleep. «In all the talks I give, as in the book, I tell that there are three habits that if we stop doing we die: eating, sleeping and breathing. Sleeping is one of the essentials to avoid feeling anxiety. There are several things we can do to educate ourselves so that it costs us less to sleep and have a more restful sleep: Eating less dinner is one of those that helps a lot to those who suffer insomnia from anxiety», Says the coach, and reveals that a vegetable cream or a broth could be a good option. “For the bravest it may be a better idea not to have dinner, since some studies speak of the benefits of micro fasting and how it helps anxiety states”, he explains.

And if food is important, the habits we adopt before closing our eyes at night are no less important. The writer emphasizes the importance of not picking up the mobile phone before falling asleep: “Most of us brush up on social media in bed with our pajamas on. This causes our pineal gland, located between the two eyes, to stop producing the amount of melatonin necessary to induce sleep, and in this way we return to the beginning: the no sleep andtiredness cause anxiety», Says Cases, with studies also in phytotherapy.

What type of diet motivates this disease?

Eating is something that is done every day and, according to Ferran Cases, the power that everything we eat has on our anxiety symptoms is very powerful. «It is not a question of eating more or less healthy (such as fruits, vegetables or carbohydrates), it is that unhealthy food is devoid of nutrients and is full of sugars that not only does not help us with anxiety, but can negatively influence in our symptoms, “says the author of” Bye bye anxiety. “

Along the same lines, it reveals that taking caffeine, theine and stimulants is something that is not in favor of people who suffer from this disease. “In addition, sugars, excess salt, alcohol, pastries and sausages are products that should be removed from the diet of, especially, those who suffer from anxiety.” Instead, taking fish, calcium, good quality meat, fruit, vegetables, nuts or products with omega 3, ensures those with anxiety that they have won the battle with food.

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