Definition of CT scan in rheumatology

Definition of CT scan in rheumatology

Le је техника снимања for diagnostic purposes which uses Кс-зраци to “sweep” a region of theорганизација and make sectional images. It is a widely used exam in реуматологија.

The term “scanner” is actually the name of the medical device, but the term is often used to refer to the exam. We also talk about Компјутерска томографија или од сцанограпхие.

Rheumatology is a medical specialty which concerns the musculoskeletal system, and in particular the diseases of the bones, joints and muscles.

Thus, the scanner makes it possible to evaluate the morphology and the volume of the anatomical structures of the osteoarticular system, and to detectpossible anomalies, at the elbow, knee, hip, ankles, spine (spine), etc.


Why perform a CT scan in rheumatology?

The doctor orders a CT scan for many reasons, for example to detect:

  • a прелом at the level of the pelvis, the femur, a vertebra
  • a ерозија ou лезија кост
  • un bone tearing
  • од калцификације in soft tissue
  • un апсцес или инфекција остеоартикуларна
  • узрок бол у зглобовима
  • присуство умрете, одређене врсте рака, Итд

The examination can also be requested before performing a surgical intervention, in order to help the doctor at the time of the operation, or to clarify the diagnosis and in particular the presence of lesions insufficiently visible on conventional x-rays.


The patient lies on his back and is placed on a table capable of sliding through a ring-shaped device. This contains an X-ray tube which rotates around the patient, and more precisely the area to be explored.

Пацијент мора бити миран током прегледа и можда ће чак морати да задржи дах на кратко да би се обезбедио добар квалитет слике. Медицинско особље, постављено иза заштитног стакла од рендгенских зрака, прати ток прегледа на екрану компјутера и може да комуницира са пацијентом преко микрофона.

To improve the legibility of the images, the examination may require the prior injection of a ascertained product (iodine based). If so, it is usually injected intravenously before the exam. You will then probably be asked to be fasting.


What results can we expect from a CT scan in rheumatology?

With the images obtained, the doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis of many bone and joint disorders:

  • a прелом
  • a амиотрофија (decrease in muscle volume)
  • присуство а хематом
  • a bone injury
  • a коштани тумор
  • a реуматска болест,Остеоартритис, Итд

Note that the scanner is not the most efficient examination to identify specific lesions in a cartilage, ligament, tendon or even a muscle. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is more recommended.

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