Арлукович: ово је последњи тренутак да се заједно боримо против рака

Cancer is a huge challenge for all EU countries. 1,2 million Europeans die from cancer each year. What to do to change these statistics? MP from the PO Bartosz Arłukowicz talked about the new special commission in the European Parliament, of which he became head.

How does the European Union want to fight cancer?

Arłukowicz became the head of the special committee on combating cancer in the European Parliament.

– If Europe is able to conduct a common agricultural policy and road construction, it should also act together in oncology. The fight against cancer must be what brings us together in Europe. This is the last moment to fight cancer together – said Bartosz Arłukowicz in the Onet Opinions program.

The MEP spoke about what the committee would do. – Within a year and a half we have to work out such rules that in the east, west, north and south of Europe people have equal access to prophylaxis, modern treatment and rehabilitation at an appropriate level – he said in an interview with Bartosz Węglarczyk.

The scale of the problem is huge. 1,2 million people die from cancer in Europe each year. This is a huge challenge for the health systems of all EU countries.

Arłukowicz added: – Cancer is not right-wing or left-wing. There are no party colors. The fight against cancer is a problem for the whole of Europe and the world.

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