10 програма са Флоор би Мапс: комплетан преглед ефективног тренинга

The floor Cut — a certified instructor of group and personal training, Creator of the popular DVD programs famous celebrity trainer in the US. Paul began his professional career in fitness at the age of 19, he made his way from obesity in adolescence to the professional sports education.

Overview 10 effective programmes from the Floor by Maps

Try the program Floor by Maps that will help you to lose weight, tighten your body and to add variety to your workout. In some of Sex video you’ll need medicine balls and a kettlebell. If you have this equipment not, you can replace them with dumbbell or disc from the rod.

1. Paul Katami – Bootcamp 4x4x2 (Intense HIIT training)

  • Трајање: КСНУМКС минута
  • Опрема: бучице

Bootcamp 4x4x2 — this is one of the most popular and интензивни тренинзи Sex by Maps. The program is built on the principle of HIIT, so be prepared to sweat well. Gender was included in the lesson, plyometric, aerobic and strength exercises to burn fat and tone muscles.

The program includes 5 blocks of 4 exercises each: cardio, lower body, upper body and core muscles. The exercise lasts for 60 seconds, rest between each exercise is 15 seconds. Training is suitable only for advanced working, who love intensive program. This video can you recall HIIT sessions with Patrick Gudo, which we described earlier.

2. Paul Katami – Band Camp (Functional training with expander)

  • Трајање: КСНУМКС минута
  • Equipment: chest expander, fitness rubber band

For this exercise you will need tube expander and a fitness band. This is great strength training with a focus on all muscle groups. The program can be divided into 5 segments. In the first segment you will exercises for the upper body. In the second segment you will work with the fitness elastic band for thighs and buttocks.

In the third segment of the Floor Cuts made exercises with the tubular expander and a fitness rubber band for simultaneous operation of upper and lower body. In the fourth segment, you again return to work the upper body, mainly shoulders and back. In the fifth and final segment, you will exercising with an expander on the Mat. Video is perfect for all lovers of functional training with shock absorber.

3. Paul Katami – Sculpt (Functional training, additional equipment)

  • Трајање: КСНУМКС минута
  • Equipment: a step, medicine balls, dumbbells

This functional exercise for muscle tone will help you become stronger and leaner. You will perform strength and aerobic exercises as well as exercises for balance and coordination. Almost all of the proposed Paul Kata exercises allow to use simultaneously several groups of muscles.

Training is very varied and interesting, and the exercises are quite trivial. First, you perform basic movement, and then complement it with a modification to involve more muscles and burn maximum calories. For example, a typical squat turns into a sit-up with rotation of the housing. The program is suitable за све нивое вештина.

4. Paul Katami Hollywood Bootcamp 4×4 (circuit training for full body)

  • Трајање: КСНУМКС минута
  • Опрема: бучице

The program Hollywood Bootcamp 4×4 effectively combines cardio exercises and exercises for the whole body with dumbbells. The floor Cuts offers 6 blocks of exercises. Each block exercise comprises 4 exercises for 1 minute: cardio, exercises for your lower body, upper body and bark. The exercises in each unit are repeated in two rounds, between rounds you will find a small 30-second rest.

This exercise provides cardio-load for burning calories and weight training for muscle tone and getting rid of problem areas. You will struggle with the extra weight and to form a beautiful elastic body. The program is suitable for intermediate level and above.

5. Paul Katami Hollywood HardBall (Intense training with medicine balls)

  • Трајање: КСНУМКС минута
  • Equipment: medicine balls, dumbbells

This interval training consists of several blocks of exercises. You are waiting for the alternation of 5-minute cardio segments and a 10-minute power segments in 3 sections for each type of load. Cardio segments are performed with medicine balls (you can substitute a dumbbell or even to do the exercises without equipment), and the power segments – with dumbbells.

The combination of intense aerobic and dynamic strength exercises help you simultaneously burn calories and tighten the muscles. You will develop strength and endurance, and create a toned lean body. The program is suitable for intermediate and advanced level training.

6. Paul Katami Ab Lab (Exercise for belly)

  • Трајање: КСНУМКС минута
  • Опрема: бучице

Program Ab Lab just created to make your belly slimmer and fitter. The floor Kata offers a selection of the most effective exercises for Cora, who was forced to work both the external and deep muscles of the abdomen. Each exercise lasts 60 seconds, between exercises will be short stay.

Exercise can be divided into 3 parts. In the first part you will perform exercises for the body in standing position: turns, tilts, thrusts, lifts his knees. In the second part, Paul made the exercises in position the straps on the elbows and hands. The third part offers exercises on the back. The program is suitable for intermediate and advanced level training.

7. Paul Katami – Fit in 15 (a Complex short training)

This set of effective short workouts designed for those who do not have much time for fitness. The beauty of such programs in their variation: you can do like 15 minutes and an hour if you combine all the classes together. You wait 4 video power and functional exercises and 1 videos with yoga.

So, the program Floor by Maps Fit in 15 includes the following workouts:

  • рука (14 minutes): for biceps and triceps with dumbbells.
  • Груди, Назад раме (20 min): for the chest, back and shoulders with dumbbells.
  • Језгро лопта (15 minutes): for the crust with medicine balls.
  • легат плен (18 min): for legs and buttocks without equipment.
  • снага Проток (14 minutes): yoga for body toning muscles, stretching and balance.

The program is suitable for all skill levels.

8. Paul Katami – KettleBell Drills (Exercises with weights)

KettleBell Drills Workout is a perfect complex, which you can use to master training with weights. The first video (Clinic) will help you learn the basic movements, it is recommended to perform first. The complex also includes basic training and occupation for the crust. Kettlebell you can substitute a dumbbell, the load is slightly modified, but this is acceptable.

In the program of KettleBell Drills укључено:

  • КеттлеБелл Цлиниц (35 minutes). Together with Paul Cut you will slowly and incrementally to perform basic exercises with weights. Are ideal for beginners.
  • КеттлеБелл Бушилице Разрадити (35 minutes). More complex training, which includes a bunch of exercises and a higher rate of employment. The program is dynamic, but is the nature of power. Suitable for intermediate level training.
  • КеттлеБелл Језгро Бушилице (15 minutes). A short workout for the abdominal muscles, and bark, completely passes on the floor.

9. Paul Katami – KettleBell Combos (Training with weights)

This is another program with weights developed by Paul Kata. Takes place на сличан начин with the introductory video for beginners and a bonus workout for the crust. Please note that the video Clinic in the program KettleBell Drills and KettleBell Drills Combos total. Before executing the main program be sure to perform this activity.

In addition to the Clinic in the program KettleBell Combos included two new videos:

  • КеттлеБелл Drills Combos (40 minutes). More intense exercise than the KettleBell Drills Workout. Includes aerobic and combined exercises with weights.
  • КеттлеБелл Језгро Комбинације (17 minutes). The workout for the abdominal muscles, and bark, you will do the exercises standing and lying on the floor.

10. Paul Katami – Burn & Build (Workout with giru and tap)

Да бисте покренули овај програм, требат ће вам a kettlebell and a step-up platform. Before performing the main workout, which will help you to develop endurance, burn fat and improve the body, be sure to do a video Clinic. And don’t forget the bonus special exercise for the abdominal muscles.

Дакле, програм Burn & Build обухвата:

  • Clinic of Burn & Build (25 minutes). This lesson will help you master all the basic movements with step and girly and the correct technique of exercises. Clinic can also be attributed to the full lesson for beginners.
  • Workout Burn & Build (80 minutes). Effective and varied workout includes seven different blocks of exercises: aerobic, strength, and even mixed.
  • Бонус Abs Burn & Build (20 minutes). Toning exercise for the abdominal muscles, and bark.

Start to lose weight along with charismatic coach Paul Kata. Its high-quality, well-designed and very diverse programs will help you to quickly reach your goals.

See also: Overview of an effective workout from the Polish coach Eva Khodakovskaya.

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