Шта је окидач у шизофренији и како се носити са тим

Triggers are things that can cause people at risk to develop schizophrenia. These traditionally include such provocative factors as, for example, stress.

The main psychological triggers for schizophrenia are stressful life events such as:

  • жалост;
  • loss of a job or home;
  • divorce;
  • the end of a relationship;
  • physical, sexual or emotional abuse.

Шта је окидач у шизофренији и како се носити са тим

Such stressful experiences, although not the direct causes of the development of schizophrenia, are very likely to provoke its manifestation in someone who is already at risk.


Drugs do not directly cause schizophrenia, but studies have shown that drug abuse increases the risk of developing schizophrenia or a similar illness. Some drugs, especially cannabis, cocaine, LSD, or amphetamines, can cause symptoms of schizophrenia in the most susceptible people. Other addictions, such as alcoholism and even smoking, are no less destructive. Due to the relationship of intoxication of the body associated with the use of various substances, both synthetic and natural, with chemical processes in the brain, any of their use is fraught with complications at the psyche level.

What if the diagnosis has already been made?

Schizophrenia is usually treated exclusively in a complex way, that is, with an individual combination of drug and talking therapy.

Most people with schizophrenia receive qualified help from community mental health groups. The purpose of these group sessions is to provide day-to-day support and treatment while maintaining as much independence as possible. In this format, assistance is provided not only by psychiatrists, but also by specially trained social workers, nurses, art and occupational therapists, pharmacists, counselors and psychotherapists.

Common psychological treatments for schizophrenia include:

  • когнитивно-бихејвиорална терапија;
  • породична терапија;
  • art therapy.

Шта је окидач у шизофренији и како се носити са тим


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to help you identify the thought patterns that are causing you unwanted feelings and behaviors and learn how to change those mindsets with more realistic and helpful thoughts.

Фамили Тхерапи

Many people with schizophrenia rely on the care and support of family members. Although most family members are happy to help, such care can create a tangible burden on loved ones.

Арт тхерапи

Art therapy helps to achieve possible creative self-expression. Some people point out that the expression of emotions and experiences in a non-verbal way through art can give a new experience and help in achieving harmony with society. It has been proven that art therapy relieves the negative symptoms of schizophrenia in most patients.

Шта је окидач у шизофренији и како се носити са тим

Most people with schizophrenia recover, although many experience symptoms (relapses) from time to time. Support and treatment can help you cope with your condition and the impact it has on your life.

Taking care of your own health can also make your condition easier to manage and help reduce anxiety, depression, and fatigue. This can help you improve your quality of life and be more active and independent. Self care includes:

  • maintaining good physical and mental health;
  • prevention of illness or accidents;
  • effective treatment of minor illnesses and long-term conditions.

And feel free to discuss your concerns with your doctor! The more he knows, the more he can help you.

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