Виролог: невакцинисани људи почињу да паразитирају на вакцинисаним
Започните вакцину против ЦОВИД-19 Често постављана питања Где могу да се вакцинишем? Проверите да ли можете да се вакцинишете

The unvaccinated begin to parasitize the vaccinated, because the former think that the danger is over – said virologist prof. Włodzimierz Gut on Saturday on PR24. I hope that the unvaccinated will not lead to another pandemic – he added.

  1. So far, over 17 million vaccinations have been performed in Poland. Over 12,5 million people received one dose of the vaccine
  2. On the other hand, according to polls, almost a quarter of Poles do not want to be vaccinated
  3. The remaining people begin to parasitize those who have already been vaccinated – believes prof. Włodzimierz Gut, virologist
  4. Више информација можете пронаћи на почетној страници Онета

Prof. Gut: the vaccinated people are already half of the population

During the conversation, the topic of the declining number of Poles interested in vaccinations against COVID-19 and anti-vaccine protests against the restrictions was raised.

“The number of vaccinated people is almost half of the population, so at this point other people start parasitizing those who did it, because the former think that the danger is over” – explained Prof. Gut. Meanwhile – as recalled – the achievement of the so-called population immunity requires vaccination of at least 80 percent. society.

In the near future, the virologist predicts “creeping disease in waves, not like a completely immune-deficient population, but the choice is relatively simple: you can become immunized either by contracting COVID-19 or by vaccination”.

  1. Almost a quarter of Poles are not going to be vaccinated

When asked about the possibility of effectively encouraging people to vaccinate and «covid passports», prof. Gut expressed support for introducing restrictions on the possibility of staying in public spaces by those citizens who refuse to take the vaccine. «Only those who have doubts can be persuaded. There is no point in persuading the so-called hardliners. They will have a chance to find out what covid is when they fall ill »he said.

Bonusing vaccinations is wise

For “reasonable” prof. The Gut has recognized employers’ incentives to vaccinate and require proof of vaccination during job interviews. «Continuity of work is in the interest of employers. There are also cases when vaccinated people do not want to work with those who refuse to do so, not because of themselves, but their own families, especially children ”- emphasized the PR24 interlocutor. «Does the driver have the right to throw a smelly passenger out of the bus? Has. In the same way, he has the right to ask someone who is a threat to others to ask away »- he added.

  1. Ekspert: musimyzavaccinatesć młодећаż, jeżeliжелимојединственąć још једанземља ЦОВИД-19

Gut also spoke about the future of the vaccines themselves and the companies that will start waging a war for market dominance. As he noted, the winners are those who were first. At the same time, research is underway to what extent vaccines of individual companies will protect against further mutations of the coronavirus. “Mutations are still there, and probably all vaccines on the market are producing immunity to them,” he stressed.

He added that the competition between pharmaceutical companies may soon take the form of a fight against non-substantive arguments, and only patients will suffer. One of the solutions under consideration is the release of vaccine patents, however, as explained by Prof. Gut – it will not be in the financial interest of competing companies.

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