Топ-14 интензивних тренинга од Цхристине Салус на 800-1000 калорија за напредни рад

Today’s post is dedicated to all who like an intense hour workout for fast and effective weight loss. We will focus on domestic programs Christine Salus – one of the most popular fitness bloggers on Youtube.

We offer you a selection of the HIIT workouts from Christine that will help you burn 800-1000 calories in one session.

HIIT-workout Christine Salus, as a rule, consist of several rounds of exercises, which are repeated in a circular principle. Classes include power, plyometric and cardio exercises with its own weight and with weights. Programs focus on fat loss, reducing the volume and improving the quality of the body. Christine uses a very percussive and intense exercise, so this collection of programs is not recommended for people with cardiovascular problems and diseases of the joints.

Christine often uses kettlebells in their programs, but you can use a dumbbell, they are often used interchangeably. For convenience, the list of equipment we specify the dumbbells, since this is a more common home inventory. Some plyometric exercises you may need a bench, chair, step, platform or any other hill (Christine, for example, uses a small Cabinet). However, if you don’t have anything suitable, then you can jump on the floor without hills.

A bench may be required in some exercises to perform pushups, gluteal bridges, planks. In the individual programs Christine uses tools to perform sliding exercises. You can use a small piece of cloth or material that will slide on the floor. In General, for most exercise equipment is not needed (only weights), and some training does take place entirely with the weight of his own body.

Many have no warm-up and cool-down, so we recommend you to independently warm up before a workout:

  • Загревање пре вежбања: вежба + план
  • Истезање након тренинга: вежба + план

All proposed trainings are divided into 3 group: 800 kcal 900 kcal and 1000 kcal. We emphasize that these figures do not guarantee that you will spend so many calories per workout. Everything will depend on your efforts during class and training level. If you want to lose weight, follow the suggested videos 3-4 times a week and you will notice amazing changes in your body in the short term.

Intense exercise on 800 calories

1. HIIT workout for whole body on 800 calories

  • Трајање: КСНУМКС минута
  • Инвентар: није потребан
  • Без загревања и хлађења

An intense plyometric workout which consists of several rounds:

  • Прва рунда includes 20 intense exercises that are performed according to the scheme: 30 seconds exercise, 5 seconds rest (squat jacks, high knees, plank, mountain climbers, burpees, frog jump etc).
  • Други круг includes 5 exercises on the floor for the belly, which are carried out according to the scheme: 50 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest.
  • понављање први круг.
  • понављање други круг.
  • The last round consists of exercises for thighs and buttocks (squats, pulsing squats, squats with jumping).

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800 калоријских тренинга (без опреме - ХИИТ за цело тело)

2. HIIT workout for whole body on 800 calories

Intense HIIT workout, which consists of several rounds:

3. HIIT workout for whole body on 800 calories

This is the third option intense HIIT-workouts on 800 calories without the inventory, which also includes a few circular rounds:

4. HIIT workout for whole body on 800 calories

Овај програм укључује 5 rounds of 10 minutes. Each round includes 5 exercises, which are repeated in the range of 2:

5. HIIT workout for whole body on 800 calories

This HIIT workout includes aerobic 2-power round:

ТОП 50 тренера на ИоуТубе-у: наш избор

6. HIIT-training for the bark and buttocks on 800 calories

This intense circuit training on 800 calories includes the following rounds:

7. HIIT workout for whole body on 800 calories

Another intense workout from Christine Salus, which includes 5 rounds of 10 minutes:

8. HIIT-training strength + cardio on 800 calories

In this program you will find 15 intense exercise (cardio and strength) repeated in 3 rounds. After each round you’ll be doing short intense cardio segment:

Intense exercise 900 kcal

1. HIIT training for belly and buttocks in the 900 kcal

Intense exercise with emphasis on cardio, buttocks and stomach, you’ll need a large number of inventory. Consists of 8 parts:

ФИТНЕСС НАРУКВЕ: избор најбољих

2. HIIT-a workout for the whole body of 900 kcal

The program is held at the circuit of three rounds: HIIT, strength part, TABATA round. This sequence is repeated in 3 rounds.

Погледајте такође:

Intense workout 1000 calories

1. HIIT-workout for the entire body with 1000 calories

The program includes 2 rounds, each of which is repeated in the range of 2:

2. HIIT-workout for the entire body with 1000 calories

This HIIT program consists of three rounds of 20 minutes. Each round is repeated in the range of 2 and includes 10 intense exercises for the whole body, which is executed at a standard to Christine Salus schema: about 50 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest.

3. HIIT-workout for the entire body with 1000 calories

This intensive training involves a sequence of rounds, which is repeated in 3 rounds:

4. HIIT-workout for the entire body with 1000 calories

The training was held at the circuit of 50 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest. Includes 3 workouts:

If you are an advanced student and ready to heavy loads, be sure to try an intense workout Christine Salus. Using these programs you will be able to burn fat, tone muscles, tighten the body and get rid of problem areas on the arms, abdomen and legs.

Погледајте такође:

For advanced Interval workouts, Cardio workout, dumbbells

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