Најпопуларније биљке међу Британцима: руже и јагоде

More than 7 British gardeners took part in a vote to determine their likes and dislikes. The list of the most favorite plants includes those plants that, in the opinion of the respondents, do not require special care, are resistant to diseases, are beautiful and useful. In the second category, the British attributed their complete opposite. The questions were also about the most favorite vegetables, the most essential gardening tools on the farm, and other important aspects of gardening life.

As a result, it turned out that the first places in both ratings were taken by a rose and a strawberry. They are loved and unloved at the same time. Some gardeners love these plants so much that they are ready devote the whole summer to caring for them… Others, having heard enough about the difficulties of growing them, prefer not to bother themselves. One thing pleases, no one was indifferent to these recognized queens of the garden.

And here is the general picture of the likes and dislikes of British gardeners:

The most favorite ornamental plants

  1. цвет руже
  2. Грашак
  3. Фуксија
  4. павит
  5. Нарцис

The least favorite ornamental plants

  1. цвет руже
  2. бршљан
  3. Хоста
  4. невен
  5. Cypress Leyland

The most favorite berries and fruits

  1. јагоде
  2. Малина
  3. дрво јабуке
  4. Шљива
  5. боровнице

Least favorite berries and fruits

  1. огрозд
  2. јагоде
  3. дрво јабуке
  4. Малина
  5. Трешња

Most favorite vegetables

  1. Боранија
  2. парадајз
  3. Кромпир
  4. Грашак
  5. Шаргарепа

Least favorite vegetables

  1. Шаргарепа
  2. Купус
  3. Карфиол
  4. Салата
  5. парадајз

Most Hated Garden Problems

  1. Веедс
  2. Штеточине инсеката
  3. Bad soil
  4. Pest animals
  5. Too small area

The most needed gardening tool

  1. Секачи
  2. Кашика
  3. Раке
  4. Лопата
  5. Косилица за траву

Извор: Телеграф

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