Sites of interest regarding tinnitus

Sites of interest regarding tinnitus

Да бисте сазнали више о зујање у ушима, Passeportsanté.net offers a selection of associations and government sites dealing with the subject of tinnitus. You will be able to find there Додатне Информације и контакт заједнице или групе за подршку омогућава вам да сазнате више о болести.


Tinnitus Quebec

This organization offers a telephone listening service, support meetings, conferences, etc. Resource persons are present in several regions of Quebec (see the Regional Councils section).

Tinnitus sites of interest: understand everything in 2 min

Noise and Society

This site, created in 2005 by audiology students from the University of Montreal, is no longer updated. However, it contains interesting information on the consequences of noise on health. The section “The ear: anatomy and function” gives detailed and well-illustrated explanations. A small section of the site is devoted to tinnitus.

Order of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists of Quebec

News and publications from the order of speech therapists and audiologists.

Здравствени водич владе Квебека

Да бисте сазнали више о лековима: како их узимати, које су контраиндикације и могуће интеракције итд.




Удружење Француска тинитус

This association, founded in 1992, is very active: it offers a website, forums, a quarterly review, telephone hotlines in several regions, ad hoc meetings of discussion and support groups (discussion groups), etc. This association published, in 2006, a very good book entitled Tinnitus (see a short comment in our Library section



Belgium Tinnitus

This site has, among other things, a prevention section which warns young people against noise and the risk of tinnitus.

Сједињене Америчке Државе

Америчко удружење за тинитус

This association offers an exhaustive and up-to-date press review. The articles mentioned are accessible free of charge by direct links or in the form of pdf documents.

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