Self-esteem disorders – Developing children’s self-esteem

Поремећаји самопоштовања-Развијање самопоштовања деце

A few principles that are fairly simple to put in place can promote the development of good self-esteem in children. These guidelines are intended to encourage the child to have self-confidence while allowing him to develop his talents.

Thanks to educational rules (clear, realistic, few) which allow him to evolve in a safe environment, the child will be encouraged to express his opinion while referring to the educational framework defined by his parents. It is important to teach him early on that if the rules are not followed, there will be consequences:

  • Allow him to express his opinion and make choices (for example: between 2 extracurricular activities) in order to enable him to acquire confidence, confidence and a sense of responsibility.

  • It is important to act in such a way that the child has a positive but nonetheless realistic vision of himself (for example: underline his strengths and evoke his difficulties while sparing his pride and giving him the means to s. ‘to improve). 

  • Help him to express his emotions and feelings and not hesitate to arouse his motivation for school and leisure tasks. It is important to get him to follow through on his projects while respecting his rhythm.

  • Finally, encourage him to go out and meet other children and help him find his place in the group of his peers by partly managing conflicts himself.

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