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Future mom: have no more doubts about your diet

A collection of nutrition questions that expectant mothers most often ask themselves. With, of course, our enlightened answers!

Do you have any morning sickness remedies?

To avoid unpleasant morning sickness, try not to get up right away and have your breakfast served in bed (take advantage, you have a good excuse!). You can also try homeopathic treatments.

Since I was pregnant, I nibble non-stop …

Stop there, especially if it is cakes and other sweets! Small pleasures are of course not to be avoided, but within reason. Because the excess pounds during pregnancy (over 13 kg) can then be difficult to lose … If your cravings for snacking are too hard to restrain, give preference to fruit.

I have just been detected with gestational diabetes …

This does happen during pregnancy but, in most cases, the problem is resolved by following a diet specially “concocted” by a dietitian. Checking your blood sugar level will tell you if you need to be put on insulin (which is very rare!). The good news is that gestational diabetes usually goes away after childbirth.

I am in the early stages of pregnancy and I am losing weight …

Not necessarily. The first months of pregnancy often rhyme with fatigue, nausea and vomiting… which can be the cause of your weight loss. Maybe you also already had fat “reserves” that Baby went to dig into? If the doubt persists, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Is it advisable to eat eggs during pregnancy?

Sure ! Sources of vitamin A, essential for the growth of the fetus, and vitamin D, which strengthens its ossification, eggs also provide protein, iron and energy. In short, real allies for future mothers!

Are there certain breads to choose from during pregnancy?

Not really. All breads are good because they provide the carbohydrates needed by expectant mothers, thus avoiding “small diets”. A word of advice: think of wholemeal bread, it facilitates the intestinal transit often disturbed during pregnancy …

Are all fish good for pregnant women?

At the risk of displeasing you, forget your sushi cravings during pregnancy because raw fish should be avoided. It can, in fact, be the cause of listeriosis. Instead, prefer farmed fish, such as salmon, and do not overuse large fish such as tuna, sea bream or swordfish, which can contain high levels of mercury, not without danger for the fetus.

How to protect yourself from listeriosis?

You can limit the risk of listeriosis by simply avoiding consuming cold cuts, cheeses, smoked fish, raw shellfish, surimi, tarama. Because these foods (as good as they are!) Can harbor listeria, a bacteria that is dangerous for Baby. No need to take risks!

Pregnant, better to prefer tea or coffee?

It’s hard to tell, because both coffee and tea contain stimulants (caffeine and theine) that Baby would be fine without. That is why, in any case, no more than one to two cups a day! Note also that the consumption of tea decreases your iron absorption. How about trying chicory or tea without theine? Here is a good compromise!

Pregnant and thin, I am encouraged to eat more …

Indeed, you need reserves in which Baby will go to feed. It is also said that a thin woman can gain up to 18 kg (unlike the 12 kg recommended in general). So, indulge yourself, without excess and always in a balanced way of course!

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