Људи у ризику и превенција од сифилиса

Људи у ризику и превенција од сифилиса

Људи у ризику

  • људи who have sex with other men;
  • Људи који имају незаштићени секс ;
  • Људи који имају неколико партнера сексуално;
  • People with HIV or another STI;
  • корисника дрога injectables and their partners.


Зашто спречити?

Prevention aims to reduce the incidence of syphilis by preventing the transmission of the bacteria.

Основне превентивне мере

Using condoms correctly helps prevent the transmission of syphilis during anal or vaginal sex. The Кондоми ou dental dams can also serve as a means of protection during oral sex.


Мере скрининга

Systematic screening for syphilis at 1re pregnancy visit:

Given the resurgence of syphilis in Canada, but also in the United States and Europe, systematic screening is essential for all pregnant women.

Screening for unprotected sex

A screening test helps prevent the infection from being passed on to new partners. If the result is positive, tell anyone you have had sex with who may have been exposed. This person will need to be tested and treated, if necessary.

Syphilis can be detected with a blood test.



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