Papillomavirus: the opinion of our doctor

Papillomavirus: the opinion of our doctor

Као део свог приступа квалитету, Пассепортсанте.нет вас позива да откријете мишљење здравственог радника. Др Лудовиц Роуссеау, дерматолог, даје вам своје мишљење о папилома вирус :

The appearance of warts is often experienced as an attack on the integrity and bodily hygiene by patients and the latter are very demanding of treatment. However, it is permissible to advocate abstention in adults because 80% of warts regress spontaneously in 2 to 4 years.

Regarding condylomas, on the other hand, their treatment is important in particular because of the risk of transmission to sexual partners and damage to the uterine cervix. In addition, their occurrence is often a source of mutual suspicion in couples, while the appearance of condylomas does not necessarily mean recent contamination: condylomas can appear several years after contamination.

Др Лудовић Русо, дерматолог


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