Нова епизода серије „Лес Маманс“, на 6тер: Меган се бори за свог малог Габријела

„Лес Момс“ је серија која погађа циљ! У овој новој сезони, 9 младих мајки деле са нама свој свакодневни живот као жене и мајке. Са њима ћемо доживети брак, рођење, повратак у вртић или факултет, прве кораке деце... Укратко, све радости и тешкоће свакодневног живота. 

Discover an extract from the new “Moms” season, with Méghane, Gabriel’s mother.

To see in full Monday, November 18, 2019, at 17:50 p.m., on 6ter

In video: “Les Mamans”: we find Megane

Today, we find Méghane 25 years old, mother of Gabriel, 3 years old, suffering from Down’s syndrome. Méghane is preparing a letter for the Departmental House of Handicapped Persons (MDPH) in order to obtain a school life assistant (AVS) so that the little boy can go to school. For the child, everything is going well at school. Little by little, things are falling into place. Discover the excerpt from this episode!

For several weeks, we will share their lives as mothers: spouse, children, family, friends… “Les Moms”, of which Parents is a partner, this is THE series that speaks to us!

© 6тер

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