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At what age does the child know how to recognize colors?

The most advanced children can, на 2 године, name two or three colors. But it’s around 3 years old, at entry into kindergarten, that they recognize and name the primary colors, and towards 4 5 година, more subtle colors like pink, gray.


Fundamental learning

Recognizing colors is make a connection between his daily environment and a

concept: a yellow chick, a green tree leaf… The colors are used for first mathematical reasoning : bring together what is blue, separate the yellow from the green… The child refines its perception when it differentiates shades like pink and purple.


What can we play with colors?

To help the child in his learning, we can use many games: налепнице from 18 months, lotos of colors, balls and skittles from 2 years old, and around 2 years old to 3 years old, theигра трговца. Or whatever we have on hand, at home, as a colored object …


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