Medical treatments and complementary approaches to ingrown toenails

Medical treatments and complementary approaches to ingrown toenails

Медицински третмани

белешке. Consult a doctor if there are signs ofинфекција ране. Осим тога дијабетичари, those with blood circulation problems or neurological problems in the feet (peripheral neuropathy) should see a doctor immediately if they have an ingrown toenail rather than undertaking home care. Likewise, a ingrown toenail in a child requires medical consultation.

Кућна нега

мост урастао нокат can be treated at home by providing the following care:

  • Do soak the foot for 15 minutes in lukewarm water to which a little salt or an antibacterial soap is added;
  • Dry the foot, then gently lift the edge of the softened nail by placing a small piece of cotton clean between the skin and the nail, which will help the nail grow above the skin. Floss, finer, can replace cotton if necessary;
  • Apply an ointment антибиотик on the painful area;
  • Wear open-toed sandals or a comfortable soft shoe until the pain and inflammation is gone.

Take a foot bath and put a new cotton ball under the nail at least twice a day. At this point, it is important not to attempt to cut the nail. The nail should be исећи равно only when it has grown a few millimeters and the inflammation is gone.

Медицинска нега

Si урастао нокат is infected or there is a large bead around the nail, a хирургија is necessary. It removes the edge of the nail that fits into the skin (partial onyxectomy). The toe is previously numbed by anesthesia. Antibiotics can be prescribed (as an ointment or by mouth). Several studies have shown that, in the majority of cases, healing is done very well without oral antibiotics and that the ointment is sufficient.2.

In the event of frequent recurrences, the doctor also removes the matrix which is located under the lateral part of the nail (surgical extraction of the root). The matrix is ​​the root that makes the nail and can help “produce” ingrown toenails if left in place. The destruction of the matrix is ​​usually done chemically, by applying phenol under local anesthesia. We are talking about phenolization. The best results are obtained by combining phenolization and surgery. Other techniques can be used to destroy the matrix, such as laser treatment, radiofrequency or electrocautery (“burning” of the tissue by an electric current). However, these techniques are more expensive than phenolization and are not accessible everywhere.


Комплементарни приступи

According to our research (October 2010), there are no unconventional treatments supported by evidence-based studies to relieve the symptoms of ingrown toenails.

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