Подберезовик корековатиј

  • Одељење: Басидиомицота (Басидиомицетес)
  • Пододељење: Агарицомицотина (Агарицомицетес)
  • Класа: Агарицомицетес (Агарицомицетес)
  • Подкласа: Агарицомицетидае (Агарицомицетес)
  • Редослед: Болеталес (Болеталес)
  • Породица: Болетацеае (Болетацеае)
  • Род: Леццинум (Обабок)
  • Тип: Hardy bed
  • Boletus hardish
  • Obabok is harsh
  • Poplar boletus
  • Obabok hardish
  • Boletus hardish;
  • Poplar boletus;
  • Obabok is harsh;
  • Obabok hardish;
  • A hardy mushroom;
  • A black bed.

The fruit body of a harsh boletus consists of a stem and a cap. The flesh of the mushroom is white, very hard, but if you make a cut on the cap, it becomes reddish. If the base of the stem is damaged, the flesh becomes bluish, and after a while it acquires a gray-black tint. The aroma of the pulp of the harsh boletus is weak, the mushroom smell is different, it tastes pleasant.

The diameter of the cap varies between 6-15 cm. The shape of young mushrooms of the harsh boletus is convex and hemispherical, and in mature fruiting bodies it becomes cushion-shaped. On the skin of the mushroom, there is initially a small edge, which, as it ripens, completely disappears and the mushroom remains naked. With high humidity, the surface of the cap becomes mucous, with hanging edges. The color of the hat can be grayish-brown, gray-brown, ocher-brown, gray-brown.

The hymenophore of the fungus is tubular. The tubules are 10 to 25 mm long, initially white, gradually becoming creamy yellow, and when pressed, change color to grayish brown or olive brown. The constituent components of the hymenophore are spores characterized by an ellipsoid-fusiform or ellipsoid shape. The color of the spore powder varies from ocher-brownish to light ocher. The spore sizes are 14.5-16 – 4.5-6 microns.

The length of the mushroom leg varies between 40-160 mm, and its diameter is 10-35 mm. In shape, it is spindle-shaped or cylindrical, sometimes it can be pointed at the base. The upper part of the mushroom leg is characterized by a whitish color, and bluish spots are often visible at the base. Below, the color of the leg is brownish, and its entire surface is covered with brown scales.

Оштри вргањ (Леццинум дуриусцулум) фотографија и опис

Harsh boletus grows in mixed and deciduous forests, right on the soil. It has the ability to form mycorrhiza with poplars and aspens. You can meet this mushroom both in groups and in single growth. Harsh boletus prefers to grow on calcareous soils. Rarely, but still you can find this type of boletus on loamy and sandy soils. The fruiting of the fungus occurs from mid-July to the end of October (sometimes the fruiting bodies of the harsh boletus can be found in mid-November). In the past few years, more and more information has appeared that the boletus boletus mushroom is spreading more widely, it is encountered more and more often and in large quantities.

The rough boletus is an edible mushroom, in which, in comparison with other types of boletus, the flesh is much denser. Worms very rarely start up in it, and it is recommended to use a harsh boletus in dried or fresh form. It is used to prepare various delicious dishes.

The described species is similar to many other varieties of boletus. However, the harsh boletus has no similarities with poisonous or inedible mushrooms.

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