Коронавирус: одакле долази Цовид-19?

Коронавирус: одакле долази Цовид-19?

The new SARS-CoV2 virus that causes Covid-19 disease was identified in China in January 2020. It is part of the family of coronaviruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome. The origins of the coronavirus have not yet been scientifically proven, but the track of animal origin is privileged.

China, origin of the covid-19 coronavirus

The new SARS-Cov2 coronavirus, which causes the Covid-19 disease, was first discovered in China, in the city of Wuhan. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that primarily affect animals. Some infect humans and most often cause colds and mild flu-like symptoms. Scientists say it looks a lot like coronaviruses taken from bats. The bat would probably be the reservoir animal of the virus. 

However, the virus found in bats cannot be transmitted to humans. SARS-Cov2 would have been transmitted to humans through another animal also carrying a coronavirus having a strong genetic relationship to SARS-Cov2. This is the pangolin, a small, endangered mammal whose flesh, bones, scales and organs are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Research is underway in China to confirm this hypothesis and an investigation by experts from the World Health Organization will start soon.

The animal trail is therefore the most likely for the moment because the first people to contract Covid-19 in December went to a market in Wuhan (epicenter of the epidemic) where animals were sold, including wild mammals. At the end of January, China decided to temporarily ban the trade in wild animals in order to stem the epidemic. 

Le WHO report on the origins of the coronavirus indicates that the track of transmission by an intermediate animal is ” likely to very вероватан “. However, the animal could not ultimately be identified. Moreover, the hypothesis of a laboratory leak is ” крајње мало вероватно “, According to experts. Investigations are continuing. 

Тим ПассепортСанте ради на томе да вам пружи поуздане и ажурне информације о коронавирусу. 

Да бисте сазнали више, пронађите: 

  • Наша листа болести о коронавирусу 
  • Наш свакодневни ажурирани чланак са препорукама владе
  • Наш чланак о еволуцији коронавируса у Француској
  • Наш комплетан портал о Цовид-19


How spread is the coronavirus?

Covid-19 around the world

Covid-19 now affects more than 180 countries. On Wednesday March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) described the epidemic linked to Covid-19 as “чулан”Due to“алармантан ниво” and some “озбиљност”Of the spread of the virus around the world. Until then, we spoke of an epidemic, which is characterized by a sudden increase in the number of cases of a disease in unimmunized people in a given region (this region can group together several countries). 

As a reminder, the Covid-19 epidemic has started in China, in Wuhan. The latest report dated May 31, 2021 shows 167 people infected worldwide. As of June 552, 267 people have died in the Middle Kingdom.

Update June 2, 2021 – After China, the other areas where the virus is actively circulating are:

  • The United States (33 people infected)
  • India (28 people infected)
  • Brazil (16 people infected)
  • Russia (5 people infected)
  • The United Kingdom (4 people infected)
  • Spain (3 people infected)
  • Italy (4 people infected)
  • Turkey (5 people infected)
  • Israel (839 people infected)

The goal for countries affected by Covid-19 has been to limit the spread of the virus as much as possible through several measures:

  • the quarantine of infected people and those who have been in contact with infected people.
  • the ban on large gatherings of people.
  • the closure of shops, schools, nurseries.
  • stopping flights from countries where the virus is actively circulating.
  • applying hygiene rules to protect yourself from the virus (wash your hands very regularly, stop kissing and shake your hand, cough and sneeze into your elbow, use disposable tissues, wear a mask for sick people…).
  • respect social distancing (at least 1,50 meters between each person).
  • the wearing of a mask is compulsory in many countries (in closed environments and in the streets), even for children (from 11 years old in France – 6 years old at school – and 6 years old in Italy).
  • in Spain, it is forbidden to smoke outside, if the distance cannot be respected.
  • the closure of bars and restaurants, depending on the circulation of the virus.
  • a tracing of all the people entering a business, via an application, as in Thailand.
  • a 50% reduction in the accommodation capacity in the classrooms and lecture halls of universities and training institutes.
  • re-containment in certain countries, such as Ireland and France from October 30 to December 15, 2020.
  • a curfew from 19 p.m. since March 20, 2021 in France.
  • containment of the population for the most affected territories or at the national level. 

Covid-19 in France: curfew, confinement, restrictive measures

Update May 19 – Curfew now begins at 21 p.m. Museums, cinemas and theaters can reopen under certain conditions as well as the terraces of cafes and restaurants.

Update May 3 – From this day, it is possible to travel freely in France during the day, without certificate. Classes resume in half-gauge in the 4th and 3rd classrooms in middle school as well as in high schools.

Update April 1, 2021 – The President of the Republic announced new measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus

  • the reinforced restrictions in force in the 19 departments extend to the whole of the metropolitan territory, from April 3, for a period of four weeks. Day trips beyond 10 km are prohibited (except for an overriding reason and on presentation of the certificate);
  • the national curfew begins at 19 p.m. and continues to be applicable in France.

From Monday April 5, schools and nurseries will close for the next three weeks. Classes will take place for a week at home for schools, colleges and high schools. From April 12, two weeks of school holidays will be implemented simultaneously for the three zones. The return to class is scheduled for April 26 for kindergarten and primary students and May 3 for middle and high schools. From March 26, three new departments are confined: Rhône, Nièvre and Aube.

Since March 19, containment has been in place in 16 departments, for a period of four weeks: Aisne, Alpes-Maritimes, Essonne, Eure, Hauts-de-Seine, Nord, Oise, Paris, Pas-de-Calais, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Seine-Maritime, Somme, Val-de-Marne, Val-d’Oise, Yvelines. It is possible to leave during this confinement, provided with a certificate, within a radius of 10 kilometers, but without time limit. Inter-regional travel is prohibited (except for compelling or professional reasons). Schools remain open and shops ” небитним Must close. 

Иначе, the curfew is maintained throughout the national territory, but he is pushed back to КСНУМКС сати since March 20. “ Telecommuting must be the norm And should apply 4 days out of 5, when possible. 

Update March 9 – Partial containment for the next weekends is established in Nice, in the Alpes-Maritimes, in the agglomeration of Dunkirk and in the Pas-de-Calais department.

The measures of the second strict confinement have been lifted since December 16, but are replaced by a curfew, established at national level, од 20 до 6 часова. During the day, the exceptional travel certificate is therefore no longer necessary. On the other hand, to move around during the curfew, you must bring the new travel certificate. Any outing must be justified (professional activity, medical consultation or purchase of medicines, compelling reason or childcare, short walk within the limit of one kilometer around his home). An exception will be made for the New Year’s Eve on December 24, but not for that of the 31st, as planned.  

Нови излазни сертификат is available since November 30. Today it is possible to move around “in the open air or to an outdoor place, without changing the place of residence, within the limit of three hours per day and within a maximum radius of twenty kilometers around the home, linked either to physical activity or individual leisure, to the exclusion of any collective sports practice and any proximity to other people, either for a walk with only people grouped together in the same home, or for the needs of pets".

The President of the Republic addressed the French on November 24. The health situation is improving, but the decline is slow. The confinement remains in force until December 15 as well as the exceptional travel certificate. We must continue to telework, to avoid family gatherings and non-essential travel. He mentioned his action plan, with three key dates, to continue to curb the coronavirus epidemic : 

  • From November 28, it will be possible to travel within a radius of 20 km, for a period of 3 hours. Outdoor extracurricular activities will be authorized as well as services, up to a limit of 30 people. Shops will be able to reopen, until 21 p.m., as well as home services, bookstores and record stores, under a strict health protocol.
  • From December 15, if the objectives are reached, ie 5 contaminations per day and 000 to 2 people in intensive care, the confinement can be lifted. Citizens will be able to move freely (without authorization), in particular for “провести празнике са породицом“. On the other hand, it will be necessary to continue to limit the “unnecessary trips“. Cinemas, theaters and museums will be able to resume their activity, in accordance with the strict rules. In addition, a curfew will be established everywhere in the territory, from 21 p.m. to 7 a.m., with an exception for the evenings of December 24 and 31, where “traffic will be free".
  • January 20 will mark the third stage, with the reopening of restaurants, bars and gyms. Classes can also resume face-to-face in high schools, then 15 days later in universities.

Emmanuel Macron adds that “Морамо учинити све да избегнемо трећи талас, а самим тим и треће затварање".

As of November 13, the confinement rules remain unchanged. They are extended for a period of 15 days. Indeed, according to Prime Minister Jean Castex, 1 hospitalization takes place every 30 seconds as well as an admission to intensive care every three minutes. The peak of the month of April, in number of hospitalizations, has been crossed. However, the health situation is tending to improve, thanks to the measures taken since October 30, but the data are still too recent to lift the containment.

Од октобра 30. год. the French population is confined for the second time, for an initial period of four weeks. The situation will be reassessed every two weeks and action will be taken accordingly. 

As of October 26, the health situation in France is deteriorating. The government therefore extends the curfew to 54 departments: Loire, Rhône, Nord, Paris, Isère, Hauts-de-Seine, Val-d’Oise, Val-de-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Essonne , Bouches-du-Rhône, Haute-Garonne, Yvelines, Hérault, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Loire, Ain, Savoie, Ardèche, Saône-et-Loire, Aveyron, Ariège, Tarn-et-Garonne , Tarn, Pyrénées-Orientales, Gard, Vaucluse, Puy-de-Dôme, Hautes-Alpes, Pas-de-Calais, Drôme, Oise, Haute-Savoie, Jura, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Haute-Corse, Calvados, Hautes-Pyrénées , Corse-du-Sud, Lozère, Haute-Vienne, Côte-d’Or, Ardennes, Var, Indre-et-Loire, Aube, Loiret, Maine-et-Loire, Bas-Rhin, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Marne , Alpes-Maritimes, Ille-et-Vilaine and French Polynesia.

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, announced new measures. From Saturday October 17, the state of health emergency will be declared, a second time, in France. A curfew, from 21 p.m. to 6 a.m. will be established from this date, in Ile-de-France, Grenoble, Lille, Saint-Etienne, Montpellier, Lyon, Toulouse, Rouen and Aix-Marseille. The Head of State recommends a limitation to 6 people for gatherings in the family sphere, while respecting barrier gestures and wearing a mask. A new application “TousAntiCovid” will replace “StopCovid”. She will present information depending on where a person is, to give them health advice. The goal is to reduce the risk of contamination and to give the measurements according to the cities, by providing a simple user manual. A new screening strategy is also underway, using “self-tests” and “antigenic tests”.

The different stages of the epidemic

In France, in the event of an epidemic, several stages are triggered depending on the evolution of the situation.

Stage 1 aims to limit the introduction of the virus into the national territory, what are called “imported cases“. Concretely, preventive quarantines are implemented for people returning from a risk area. The health authorities are also trying to find the “patient 0”, The one at the origin of the very first contaminations in a given area.

Stage 2 consists of limiting the spread of the virus which is still localized in certain areas. After identification of these famous clusters (areas of regrouping of indigenous cases), the health authorities continue the preventive quarantines and can also request the closure of schools, nurseries, prohibit large gatherings, ask the population to limit their movements, restrict visits to establishments welcoming vulnerable people (nursing homes) …

Stage 3 is triggered when the virus circulates actively throughout the territory. Its objective is to do everything possible to manage the epidemic in the best possible way in the country. The frail people (old people and / or those suffering from other diseases) are protected as much as possible. The health system is fully mobilized (hospitals, town medicine, medico-social establishments) with a reinforcement of health professionals.

And in France ?

To date, on June 2, 2021, France is still at stage 3 of the coronavirus epidemic. The latest report reports 5 677 172 people infected with Covid-19 et 109 dead. 

The virus and its variants are now circulating throughout the country.

Please see this article for updated data on the coronavirus in France and the resulting government measures.

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