Scaly cobweb (Cortinarius pholideus)

  • Одељење: Басидиомицота (Басидиомицетес)
  • Пододељење: Агарицомицотина (Агарицомицетес)
  • Класа: Агарицомицетес (Агарицомицетес)
  • Подкласа: Агарицомицетидае (Агарицомицетес)
  • Редослед: Агарицалес (Агариц или Ламеллар)
  • Породица: Цортинариацеае (паукове мреже)
  • Род: Цортинариус (паукова мрежа)
  • Тип: Cortinarius pholideus (Scaly Webbed)

глава 3-8 cm in diameter, first bell-shaped, then convex, with a blunt tubercle, with numerous dark brown scales on a pale brown, brown-brown background, with a darker middle and a light, brownish, sometimes with a lilac tint edge

Плоче sparse, adnate with a tooth, first gray-brownish with a violet tint, then brownish, rusty-brown. The cobweb cover is light brownish, noticeable.

спори прах браон.

Нога 5-8 cm long and about 1 cm in diameter, cylindrical, widened towards the base, slightly club-shaped, solid, later hollow, smooth above, gray-brownish with a purple tint, below pale brown with several concentric scaly dark brown belts.

Каша loose, grayish-violet, light brownish in the stem, sometimes with a slight musty smell.

The scaly cobweb lives from the end of August to the end of September in coniferous, deciduous and mixed (with birch) forests, in humid places, in moss, near swamps, in groups and singly, not rarely

Cobweb scaly – An edible mushroom of medium quality, used fresh (boiling for about 15 minutes, the smell is boiled out) in second courses, salted, pickled (preferably one hat).

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