Black Loafer (Helvella atra)

  • Одељење: Асцомицота (Асцомицетес)
  • Пододељење: Пезизомицотина (Пезизомицотинс)
  • Класа: Пезизомицетес (Пезизомицетес)
  • Подкласа: Пезизомицетидае (Пезизомицетес)
  • Редослед: Пезизалес (Пезизалес)
  • Породица: Хелвеллацеае (Хелвеллацеае)
  • Род: Хелвелла (Хелвела)
  • Тип: Helvella atra (Black lobe)

A special rare species of mushrooms, which belongs to the Helwellian family.

It likes to grow in large groups, prefers deciduous forests, but is also found in conifers. The main places of growth are America (North, South), as well as Eurasia.

Consists of legs and cap.

глава has an irregular shape (in the form of a saucer), with blades, while one edge usually grows to the stem. Diameter – up to about 3 cm, maybe less.

On the surface, bumps and folds are often located.

Нога usually curved, with a thickening in the lower part. Closer to the hat there may be a small fluff. Some specimens have stripes all over the leg. Length – up to five centimeters.

The black lobe has very brittle loose flesh.

Helvella atra is a hymenium mushroom, with the hymenium being most often smooth, in some cases with folds and wrinkles. It may also have pubescence.

Black loafer (Helvella atra) is not eaten.

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