Athlete’s foot – Our doctor’s opinion

Athlete’s foot – Our doctor’s opinion

Као део свог приступа квалитету, Пассепортсанте.нет вас позива да откријете мишљење здравственог радника. Др Доминиц Ларосе, лекар хитне помоћи, даје вам своје мишљење о атлетско стопало :

Most patients can cure their athlete’s foot by carefully following the advice in this sheet.

But recurrences in the months that follow are the rule rather than the exception. If your symptoms return, it’s best to see your doctor – sometimes what looks like athlete’s foot is not. If it is indeed a case of athlete’s foot “resistant” to the usual treatments, prescription drugs are very effective.

If you have diabetes, I recommend that you consult straight away, since diabetics have complications more often than others.

Most of the patients I see in the hospital with infectious cellulitis in one leg (it’s quite common!) Had athlete’s foot, but didn’t realize it. Examine your feet and take your treatment if there is an infection!


Dr Доминиц Ларосе, др. Мед

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