Све што требате знати о инфекцији уринарног тракта или циститису


Све што требате знати о инфекцији уринарног тракта или циститису

Urinary tract infection: what is it?

A инфекција уринарног тракта, такође зван "циститис" је инфекција which can affect one or more parts of the urinary system: the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. It is most often manifested by бол или осећај да те нешто пече during urination (= the emission of urine), sometimes with abdominal pain and fever.

Here are the main functions of the different parts of the urinary system:

  • струк ensure blood filtration. They allow the elimination of waste and also play an important role in the regulation of body fluids and blood pressure.
  • уретери are small channels that allow urine to pass from the kidneys to the bladder.
  • La бешика acts as a urine reservoir.
  • ТХЕуретра leads urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

The different types of urinary tract infections

There are 3 types of urinary tract infections, depending on the location of the infection.

Infectious cystitis, when the bacteria are found Есцхерицхиа цоли у урину

By far the most common form of urinary tract infection, cystitis almost exclusively affects women. It is an inflammation of the bladder. Most often, inflammation is caused by the overgrowth of intestinal bacteria such as Есцхерицхиа цоли, which are numerous around the anus. Bacteria pass from the anal and vulvar region to the bladder, ascending through the urethra. Anything that interferes with emptying the bladder increases the risk of cystitis because it increases urine retention and therefore bacteria growth time. Cystitis is always accompanied by urethritis, the inflammation of the urethra.

Инфективни уретритис

If the infection affects only the urethra (the conduit that connects the bladder to the urinary meatus), it is called urethritis. These are often sexually transmitted infections (STIs) common in men. And women can suffer from it too. Different infectious agents can cause urethritis. The most common are chlamydia and gonococcus (the bacteria responsible for gonorrhea). In men, urethritis can be accompanied by prostatitis (infection of the prostate).


Pyelonephritis is a more serious condition. It refers to inflammation of the pelvis (the kidney cavity collecting urine) and the kidney itself. This usually results from a bacterial infection. It can be a complication of an untreated or badly treated cystitis which leads to the rise of bacteria from the bladder to the kidneys, and their proliferation there. Acute pyelonephritis occurs more often in women, and it is even more common in pregnant women. It is also common in children whose malformation of the ureters causes urine to flow back from the bladder to the kidneys. See more information on pyelonephritis. 

Everything you need to know about urinary tract infection or cystitis: understand everything in 2 min

Most affected by urinary tract infections: men or women?

Учесталост инфекције мокраћних путева depends on age and gender.

Urinary tract infection in women

Жене are much more affected than men, because the urethra of women, shorter than that of men, facilitates the entry of bacteria into the bladder. It is estimated that 20% to 40% of women in North America have had at least one urinary tract infection. Many women will contract more than one in their lifetime. About 2% to 3% of adult women are said to have cystitis each year.

Urinary tract infection in men

Young men are little affected by this condition, mature men with prostate problems are at greater risk.

Што се тиче деца и, they are more rarely affected. About 2% of newborns and infants get urinary tract infections. It is mainly male babies who have a urinary tract abnormality that suffer from it. By the age of 6, 7% of girls and 2% of boys have had a urinary tract infection at least once19.

What are the causes of urinary tract infection?

Normally, urine is sterile. It contains 96% water, salts and organic components, but is free from microorganisms. The urinary system has many Одбране against infections:

  • le protok urina expels bacteria and makes it more difficult for them to climb to the bladder and kidneys;
  • laкиселост urine (pH less than 5,5) inhibits the growth of bacteria;
  • la very smooth surface of the urethra makes it difficult for bacteria to rise;
  • la облици ureters and bladder prevent urine from flowing back to the kidneys;
  • le имуни систем generally fighting infections;
  • la зид бешике contains immune cells as well as antibacterial substances;
  • код мушкараца, секреције prostate contain substances that slow the growth of bacteria in the urethra.

Međutim, u slučaju daинфекција уринарног тракта, infectious agents (bacteria in most cases) manage to “colonize” the urinary system. The urine is then contaminated: it is by looking for the presence of bacteria in the urine that the doctor confirms the diagnosis of urinary infection. Bacterial contamination is often made easier by not drinking enough.

In over 80% of urinary tract infections, the causative organism is a цревне бактерије тип Есцхерицхиа цоли. Other bacteria frequently found are Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Klebsiella… Certain sexually transmitted infections (gonococcal, Цхламидиае) can also manifest as urethritis.

Very rarely, UTIs can be caused by bacteria that have spread to the urinary system from an infection elsewhere in the body.

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A question of anatomy

Код жена, the proximity between the anus and the external opening of the urethra (the urinary meatus) greatly facilitates the urethra’s access to intestinal bacteria from the rectum (Enterobacteriaceae), such as Есцхерицхиа цоли. In addition, the female urethra being very short (barely 4 cm), this facilitates the access of bacteria to the bladder. In addition, pregnancy, the use of a diaphragm for birth control, and the use of tampons during menstruation increase the risk of UTI.

Код људи young, urinary tract infection (especially urethritis) is often linked to sexual activity. In an older man, it is more often associated with prostate problems. So when a man over 50 has a UTI, it is almost always linked to a benign prostatic hypertrophy or inflammation that prevents the bladder from emptying completely.

Код деце, urinary tract infection may be a sign of an anatomical abnormality of the urinary system and should definitely be treated by a doctor to prevent urinary problems from becoming chronic.

In general, when a person has a chronic urinary tract problem (anatomical malformation, kidney or bladder disease, stones or “stones” in the urine), it is not uncommon for them to suffer. recurrent infections.

What are the possible complications of cystitis?

Акоинфекција left untreated, the infectious agent continues to multiply and invade the urinary tract. This can lead to a more serious kidney problem, such as пијелонефритис. Exceptionally, a urinary tract infection may worsen to the point of causing sepsis or kidney failure. In all cases, it is important to consult a doctor if there are signs of a urinary tract infection.

What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?

Најчешћи симптоми

  • Предности бол до опекотине in urinant.
  • An unusually high frequency of urination during the day (sometimes the need to urinate also occurs at night).
  • A persistent feeling of needing to urinate.
  • Cloudy urine that gives off an unpleasant odor.
  • A heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  • Sometimes blood in the urine.
  • No fever if it is a simple cystitis.

In the case of a kidney infection

  • Висока температура.
  • Прехлада.
  • Severe pain in the lower back or abdomen or sexual organs.
  • Povraćanje.
  • A deterioration of the general condition.
  • Symptoms of cystitis (burning, frequent urination) may or may not be present. They are absent in 40% of cases21.

Код деце

In children, urinary tract infections can appear more atypical. Sometimes the циститис causes fever without any other symptoms. A stomach ache and bedwetting (bedwetting) can also be signs of a urinary tract infection. In toddlers, the burning sensation when urinating can manifest as complaints or crying when urinating.

In newborns and infants, UTI is even more difficult to recognize. It is usually accompanied by fever, refusal to eat, and sometimes gastrointestinal disturbances and irritability.19.

In the elderly:

The symptoms of urinary tract infection can also be misleading: fever without other symptoms, urinary incontinence or digestive disorders (loss of appetite, vomiting, etc.).

See also: How to interpret the result of a urinalysis?


Who are the people at risk for urinary tract infection?

  • Women, especially those who are sexually active. The infection rate is 50 times higher than in men.
  • Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). As it grows in size, the prostate compresses the urethra, which slows down urine output, increases the risk of keeping some residual urine in the bladder after urination, and facilitates infections.
  • Pregnant women are particularly at risk because of the pressure exerted by the baby on the urinary system, but also hormonal changes inherent in pregnancy.
  • Women after menopause17, which are more prone to vaginosis, bacterial vaginal infections. In addition, the drop in estrogen levels associated with menopause contributes to UTIs.
  • People with diabetes, because of the high sugar level in their urine, which is a favorable environment for bacterial growth, and their increased susceptibility to infections.
  • People who have had a catheter inserted into the urethra. People who cannot urinate, who are unconscious or seriously ill often need a catheter while they recover their urinary function. Some people with nervous system damage will need it all their life. The bacteria then move up the surface of the flexible tube to the bladder and can infect the urinary tract. When contracted in hospital, these bacteria may have developed some resistance requiring the use of stronger antibiotics.
  • People who have a structural abnormality of the urinary tract, who suffer from kidney stones or various neurological disorders.
  • The elderly, who often combine several of the above factors (bed rest, hospitalization, urinary catheter, neurological disorders, diabetes). Thus, 25% to 50% of women and 20% of men over 80 are prone to frequent urinary tract infections.

What are the risk factors for urinary tract infection?

Код жена


  • Sex, especially if it is intense and frequent after a period of abstinence. This phenomenon is also described as ” honeymoon cystitis '.
  • In some women using a дијафрагма as a contraceptive method, the urethra will become compressed, preventing the bladder from emptying completely and making it easier for bladder infections.
  • After having a bowel movement, wiping from back to front with toilet paper is a risk factor. the wiping movement should always be done from front to back so as not to contaminate the urethra with bacteria from the anus. In addition, the anal and genital areas should be cleaned carefully regularly, which helps to counter the proliferation of bacteria.
  • In some women, the use of спермициди can cause urethritis.
  • The time of menstruation is a risky period, as the blood from the napkins or tampons is an ideal culture medium for bacteria. It is therefore important not to keep these protections in place for too long.

Код мушкараца


  • Sodomy without кондом increases the risk of becoming infected, as the bacteria involved are present in the anus.

Како спречити циститис?

Основне превентивне мере

Tips to reduce the risk of UTI

  • Drink enough, especiallyвода. Our sources recommend drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water or various drinks (juice, broths, tea, etc.) per day. This measure is used as a scale, but is not based on precise scientific data. Cranberry juice is an interesting relapse prevention option since it would prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract. A healthy adult should produce between ½ liter and 2 liters of urine per day.
  • Do not hold back the urge to urinate for too long, keeping urine in the bladder is one way to give bacteria time to multiply.
  • Fight against intestinal transit disorders, in particular against constipation which contributes to cystitis, because bacteria stagnate in the rectum.

Код жена

  • The best way for young girls and women to prevent UTIs is to always wipe front to back with toilet paper after a bowel movement or after urinating.
  • Urinate immediately after везе полни18.
  • Wash the anal and vulvar regions daily. However, a too “aggressive” toilet is not recommended, because it weakens the mucous membranes.
  • Avoid as much as possible the use of deodorant products (intimate perfumes, douching), in the genital area and bath oils or foams, which can irritate the lining of the urethra. This can cause symptoms similar to those of a urinary tract infection. If you want to use a product, make sure it is not irritating, and favor a neutral pH.
  • Увек користи lubricated condoms, which irritate the genitals less. And never hesitate to add lubricating gel.
  • In case of vaginal dryness, use a water soluble lubricant during intercourse to avoid irritation.
  • In the event of frequent infections attributable to the use of a diaphragm, it is advisable to change the contraceptive method.

Код мушкараца

It is more difficult to prevent UTIs in men. It is important to drink enough to maintain a good protok urina, and process a поремећаји простате If it’s happened. In addition, urethritis corresponding to sexually transmitted infections can be prevented by using the кондом during sex with any new (or new) partner. Inflammation of the urethra is common in men who get gonorrhea or chlamydia.


Мере за спречавање компликација

Treating bladder infections with antibiotics prevents пијелонефритис, a much more serious infection.

It is important not to self-treat, for example by taking any antibiotics left over from a previous treatment. Misusing antibiotics without following prescription can make cystitis difficult to treat and make it worse.

Мере за спречавање рецидива

Recurrent urinary tract infections are very common in women. In addition to the preventive measures mentioned above, drug or natural prevention can be effective.

Превенција лекова

In some patients with frequent urinary tract infections (more than 2 infections every 6 months), антибиотици can be prescribed preventively at low doses for several months. The same goes for men in whom chronic prostate problems increase the risk of UTI.

Thus, the doctor can prescribe the taking of antibiotics on a daily basis for a few months or after each sexual intercourse in order to prevent relapses and allow the patient to take имуни систем to regain control. This is called prophylactic antibiotic therapy.

Prevention by juice брусница

The juice of брусница consumed regularly decreases the risk of recurrence of urinary tract infections in women, as several studies or meta-analyzes have shown1, КСНУМКС. See the Complementary Approaches section. 


Како лечити циститис?

Dr Catherine Solano intervenes in video to explain how to treat a urinary tract infection: 

Soigner une infection urinaire par le Docteur Catherine Solano

What to do in case of severe urinary tract infections (pyelonephritis)?

Although most UTIs are easy to treat, sometimes a consultation with a specialist is necessary because the циститис may reveal the presence of a болест или абнормалности worse. For example, men of all ages, women with recurrent urinary tract infections, pregnant women, and people with pyelonephritis (kidney infection) are among the more difficult cases to treat. Sometimes they need to be seen by a urologist, the urinary system specialist, for further testing.

As for pyelonephritis, it often comes under the management ofхитност.

Persistent cystitis

If symptoms of cystitis persist after КСНУМКС недеље despite a well-followed antibiotic treatment, it may be an infection отпоран на антибиотике common. This is often the case with infections acquired in a hospital environment, due to a urethral catheter or surgery, for example. Cystitis contracted outside hospitals is also increasingly resistant to antibiotic therapy. The doctor will then prescribe the appropriate antibiotics based on the results of a bacterial culture taken from a urine sample. It should be noted that the risk of infection acquired from a urethral catheter can be reduced by using a leak-proof and sterile urine collection system, antiseptic ointments and by taking short-term antibiotics.

Важно. People with a UTI should temporarily avoid coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks that contain caffeine, and citrus juices.12. Spicy foods should also be put aside until the infection is cleared. These foods irritate the bladder and make you want to urinate more frequently. In addition, doctors remind of hydrate well and adopt the превентивне мере претходно описано.

See also our article “How to treat a urinary tract infection?”

In young women, cystitis is most often benign and hygiene (wipe from front to back after going to the toilet), food (drink often) and sexual (go urinate after sex) precautions are sufficient. to prevent them. In both men and women who have sex with multiple partners and without a condom, isolated urethritis (burning and discharge from the urethra with or without the urge to urinate) is sometimes a sign of a sexually transmitted infection. Ask your doctor for a test, if in doubt.

Dr Marc Zaffran, M.D.



Cranberry or cranberry


Витамин Ц



Brusnica ili брусница

Echinacea, nettle, horsetail, horseradish, uva ursi, goldenrod

Хидрасте ду Цанада

Chinese pharmacopoeia, food


 Cranberry or Cranberry (Вацциниум мацроцарпон).  брусница has long been used for prevent urinary tract infections. A systematic review1 published in 2008 and several randomized and controlled studies2-5 carried out with women subject to recurrent cystitis indicate that the consumption of брусница (or a dried fruit extract) reduces the relapse rate. In addition, the consumption of брусница is safe during pregnancy22. According to studies, the recurrence rate would decrease by 35% over 1 year in young women. The preventive effectiveness of брусница is, however, less evident in children, the elderly or patients with neurological disease20.


Taking cranberry must correspond to 36 mg of proanthocyanidin, its active principle, whatever its presentation: juice, concentrate, powder or capsules (Source: Dr Sophie Conquy. Recurrent cystitis and Cranberry, who, when, how? Nov 2006. Current questions .)

Drink 250 ml to 500 ml per day of juice cranberry or take, 2 times a day, the equivalent of 300 mg to 400 mg of solid extract in the form of capsules or tablets. You can also consume fresh or frozen fruits at a rate of 125 ml to 250 ml per day.

Нотес. Prefer tablets of extract of cranberry or pure juice, because cocktails from брусницаcontain more sugar or fructose.


Упозорење. If the following medicinal plants are used, it must be done absolutely as soon as the symptoms appear. први симптоми. The easiest symptom to detect is mild pain during urination. If no improvement occurs within the first 48 hours of starting treatment or if symptoms worsen, consult a doctor.

If the pain when urinating is severe or if there is fever, lower back pain or vomiting (signs of a more serious infection), unconventional treatments are contraindicated. The антибиотици become essential in order to treat infection and prevent complications.

Note that the uses below relate to the treatment of циститис уретритис само.


 Хрен (Armoracia rusticana). Horseradish is found in Southeastern Europe and Western Asia, where it has been cultivated since time immemorial. Only studies carried out in Germany in the 1960s looked at the action of this plant on urinary tract infections and the antibacterial activity of the essential oils that compose it. Nevertheless, Commission E recognizes its effectiveness as adjunctive treatment for urinary tract infections. In the United States, horseradish roots are used in Rasapen®, an antiseptic drug prescribed for urinary tract infections. In addition, the FDA recognizes the safety of this plant.


Infuse 2 g of fresh or dried horseradish roots in 150 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drink several times a day.


Horseradish is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with peptic ulcers and those with kidney problems.

 Grape bears (Arctostaphylos uva ursi). According to studies ин витро, the leaves of uva ursi, also called bear grape, would have an antibacterial action. In North America, First Nations used it to treat cystitis. The main active element of this plant is said to be hydroquinone, a metabolite of arbutin. Thus, it is the hydroquinone which would act asантисептички in the urinary tract. Commission E and ESCOP approve the use of uva ursi leaves in the treatment of uncomplicated infections of the bladder and urethra.


Infuse 3 g of uva ursi leaves in 150 ml of boiling water for 15 minutes. Consume 4 times a day with food, resulting in a daily arbutin intake of 400 mg to 840 mg.


Uva ursi is contraindicated in pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age.

Нотес. Due to the toxicity of hydroquinone, uva ursi should not be used long term (do not exceed a few weeks). In addition, uva ursi would be more effective when the urine is alkaline. Do not combine taking uva ursi with juice cranberry or vitamin C supplements, which would make it less effective.

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