Туберкулоза – мишљење нашег лекара

Као део свог приступа квалитету, Пассепортсанте.нет вас позива да откријете мишљење здравственог радника. Др Јацкуес Аллард, лекар опште праксе, износи своје мишљење о TB :

Tuberculosis has become an uncommon disease in Western countries. However, certain clienteles are at risk, particularly people whose immune system is weakened for all kinds of reasons (HIV, chronic disease, chemotherapy, corticosteroids, heavy consumption of alcohol or drugs, etc.).

If you have symptoms of active tuberculosis (fever, unexplained weight loss, night sweats and persistent cough), do not hesitate to see your doctor. Treatment of tuberculosis with antibiotics is usually effective, but it is imperative that it be continued for a minimum period of six months, otherwise the tuberculosis may reactivate into a form that is much more resistant to treatment with antibiotics.

Dr Јацкуес Аллард МД ФЦМФЦ

Tuberculosis – Our doctor’s opinion: understand everything in 2 min

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