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It stigmatizes, excludes, and is the problem of the majority … It is estimated that 80 percent of of us struggle with acne at different stages of life. Do the test below and see if the acne problem also applies to you. There are 10 questions ahead of you and only one correct answer.

данас «,» ПОЛЛ_ФИНИСХ_ОНЕ_ДАИ »:» Анкета се завршава за [0] дан«,» ПОЛЛ_ФИНИСХ_МОРЕ_ДАИС »:» Сонда се завршава у [0] дана«,» ФИЛЛ_АЛЛ_АНСВЕРС »:» Попуните одговоре на сва питања да бисте видели резултат »,» КУИЗ_МИССИНГ »:» Још увек недостаје »,» КУИЗ_АНСВЕР »:» одговори »,» СЛЕДЕЋЕ_ПИТАЊЕ »:» Следеће питање »,» ВРОНГ_АНСВЕР » :» Погрешно »,» ГООД_АНСВЕР »:» Добро! »,» ИОУР_ПОИНТС »:» Успели сте да добијете: [0] од [1] поена »,» МОЈ_РЕСУЛТ »:» Мој резултат је: «,» КВИЗ »:» Квизови » , »ПРОВЕРИ СЕ»: »Провери како иде:«, »ЦХЕЦК_ИОУРСЕЛФ_2»: »Проверите шта излази:«, »МИ_РЕСУЛТ_ЦХЕЦК_ИОУРСЕЛФ»: »Мој резултат је: [0]. Проверите сами. »,» РЕЗУЛТАТ »:» [0] са [1] поена »,» НАЗАД_ТО_ВРХ »:» Попуни одозго »,» ПОНОВНО »:» Попуни поново »,» СТАРТ_ПОНОВНО »:» Почни поново », »ТАКОЂЕ_ПРЕПОРУЧУЈЕ» : »Такође препоручујемо», »ФОТО»: »Фотографија»} »>

Acne vulgaris affects:

Особе млађе од 20 година
Особе млађе од 30 година
There is no metric
There is no metric Следеће питање
Acne has no age or gender. It is democratic. It can touch a middle school student from the end of Poland and an opera diva who is approaching his 50s. It applies to the MAJORITY – 80 percent. of us struggle with it at different stages of life.

The symptoms of acne vulgaris include:

Increased seborrhea
Itchy and cracked facial skin
Increased seborrhea Следеће питање
Common acne is characterized by seborrhea and the formation of various types of skin eruptions – blackheads, pustules, papules, tumors and cysts.

In the case of acne vulgaris, the lesions are located in:

На лицу
On the face and neck
On the face, neck, cleavage and back
On the face, neck, cleavage and back Следеће питање
The lesions in acne are most often located in seborrheic places, mainly on the face (99%), but also on the neck, cleavage and back.

Rosacea affects:

Жене и мушкарци
Only women
Only men
Жене и мушкарци Следеће питање
Although rosacea primarily affects women between the ages of 30 and 50, men also suffer.

Which of the following statements is not a myth:

Acne is not only a cosmetic problem
Acne passes with age
Chocolate causes acne
Acne is not only a cosmetic problem Следеће питање
Acne is not only an aesthetic problem, it is a chronic skin disease with uncontrolled exacerbations and unpredictable relapses. The chance to avoid exacerbations is early diagnosis and treatment.

Characteristic for neuropathic acne is:

Compulsive use of the solarium
Compulsive squeezing pimples
Compulsive sunbathing
Compulsive squeezing pimples Следеће питање
Neuropathic (scratching) acne involves the need to constantly scratch and squeeze out pimples, which leads to the spread of bacteria and exacerbation of inflammation.

Acne is:

Cosmetic defect
Заразна болест
Хронична болест
Хронична болест Следеће питање
Acne is not a whim of aesthetes, nor a disease that we can contract, it is a chronic skin disease, and each case requires an individual approach and different medications at each stage.

Symptoms of acne vulgaris can be exacerbated by:

Неки прехрамбени артикли
Оба одговора су тачна
Оба одговора су тачна Следеће питање
Other factors that may worsen the course of the disease include: hormonal disorders (about 60-70% of women experience worsening of acne lesions in the premenstrual period), diet and stress.

The most effective method of treating acne is:

Skin care based on antibacterial cosmetics
Dermatological consultation
Frequent facial cleansing at the beautician
Dermatological consultation Следеће питање
The occurrence of acne lesions requires a dermatological consultation. Delaying the introduction of effective therapy and self-“treatment” of acne with cosmetics from drugstores may lead to the development of complications.

People with acne prone skin should:

Wash your face often
Use alcohol-containing tonics
Both answers are wrong
Both answers are wrong Следеће питање
The most common mistakes in acne skin care include squeezing pimples on your own, using alkaline soaps and fatty creams.
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The unsightly pimples appearing on your face bother you, but you hope that they will pass with age? None of this – acne vulgaris is a chronic skin condition that needs to be treated, and the first step is to see a dermatologist. Therefore # turn on the treatment and make an appointment for a dermatological consultation.
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Remember that acne is a disease that cannot be neglected – ignoring symptoms can cause serious damage to the skin and aggravation of symptoms that is difficult to treat. Therefore, # start treatment. Even in the era of a pandemic, you can check the condition of your skin using teleportation. A dermatologist will tell you remotely how to take care of your skin and what medications to use.
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We award you the title of “conscious patient” who knows that the key to effective acne treatment is regular visits to a dermatologist and home care based on dermocosmetics. Although there is no specific diet that treats acne vulgaris. It is worth ensuring that our plate includes zinc, vitamin E and carotenoids: beta carotene and lycopene, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. However, if your skin develops acne changes, # turn on the treatment and make an appointment for a dermatological consultation.
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