Припремите се за трудноћу са микрохраном и враћањем равнотеже

Припремите се за трудноћу са микрохраном и враћањем равнотеже

Look for deficiencies and measure the balance

Ову датотеку је произвела Раисса Бланкофф, натуропат


Look for any nutritional deficiencies

Magnesium deficiency is associated with female infertility, an increase in the number of miscarriages as well as the birth of premature and underweight babies.1  крвни тестови allow to take stock of the deficiencies or excess of nutrients in the mother-to-be. To know if it is necessary to rebalance in nutrition or in micronutrition, a nutritional assessment can also be considered.

Measure the balance of the ground thanks to blood tests

Balance of fatty acids : Deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids associated with a high level of saturated trans fat can cause infertility. Supplementation will combine omega-3 (especially DHA) and antioxidants. They must be coupled because fatty acids ensure the storage, transport and communication of certain major antioxidants.

Assessment of oxidative stress: this test is a blood test offered by certain laboratories and which measures parameters indicating, so to speak, “rust” in the body. We then act with specific biotherapies. This oxidative stress can be involved in disorders of female reproduction.

Витамин Е : it interposes itself between the fatty acids of the cell membrane and protects them from oxidative stress.

Vitamins B9 or folic acid: it is “the vitamin of the woman трудна »For its protective effect against congenital malformations of the neural tube in фетус. It participates in the manufacture of all cells in the body, including red blood cells. It plays an essential role in the production of genetic material, in the functioning of the нервни систем and the immune system, as well as in лечење wounds and sores.

B6: it plays an important role inпсихичку равнотежу by acting, in particular, on neurotransmitters (serotonin, melatonin, dopamine). It also contributes to the formation of red blood cells, the regulation of ниво шећера in the blood and maintaining a healthy immune system.

B12: it participates in the manufacture of the equipment генетски cells and red blood cells. It also ensures the maintenance of нервне ћелије and cells that make the tissue коштан.

B1: it is necessary for the production ofенергија and participates in the transmission ofнервни импулси као и раст

B2: like vitamin B1, Витамин БКСНУМКС игра улогу у производњиенергија. It is also used in the manufacture of Црвене ћелије   хормони, as well as the growth and repair of ткива.

B3: it contributes to the production ofенергија. It also collaborates in the process of formation of DNA (genetic material), thus allowing a раст and normal development. It helps reduce excess LDL cholesterol.

B5: Nicknamed “vitamin Антистрес “, Витамин БКСНУМКС participates in the manufacture and regulation of neurotransmitters, messengers of nerve impulses, as well as the functioning of the adrenal glands. It plays a role in the formation of hemoglobin, кожа и слузокоже.

B8: The Витамин БКСНУМКС is necessary for the transformation of several compounds, in particular глукоза  грас.

Vitamin D : it is essential to the health of os   зуби. It also plays a role in the maturation of ћелија of the immune system, as well as in the maintenance of overall good health.

Zinc : it plays an important role in the раст and the development of the organism, in the immune system (especially wound healing) as well as in the functions неуролошки et репродуктивни.

Copper : it is necessary for the training of Црвене ћелије и неколико хормони. It also helps in the fight against free radicals, which are harmful to the body

Селен: it has a significant antioxidant capacity. It is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system and the gland тироидни.

Intra-erythrocytic magnesium: it contributes in particular to the health of зуби   os, the functioning of the immune system as well as the contraction мишићав. It also plays a role in the production of energy as well as in the transmission ofнервни импулси.

Calcium (the dosage of the PTH and calciurie): it is by far the most abundant mineral in the body. It is the main component of os   зуби. It also plays an important role in the coagulation of the крв, maintenance of blood pressure and contraction of мишићи, чији срце.

Iron: (determination of ferritin and CST): every cell in the body contains ФЕР. This mineral is essential for the transport ofкисеоник and the formation of red blood cells in the blood. It also plays a role in the making of new ћелијахормони and neurotransmitters (messengers of nerve impulses). 

Inflammation markers (US and VS CRP assay) 

Метаболизам шећера : dosage of glycated hemoglobin: it allows to judge the balance of glycemia during the 2 to 3 months which precede a blood test. This dosage also demonstrates the risk of long-term complications. 

Функција штитне жлезде (dosage of TSH, T3 and T4, and ioduria)

ГПКС : an enzyme which allows “to absorb” many free radicals

Homocystéine  : a toxic amino acid

In case of imbalance, a professional can offer appropriate nutrition and appropriate micro nutrition. It is important to have a new blood test 1 or 2 months after taking dietary supplements before continuing the supplements.

Consider flagship supplements

Le propolis. In a study of women with infertility and a mild form of endometriosis, supplementation with bee propolis (500 mg twice daily for nine months) resulted in a pregnancy rate of 60% while ” it was only 20% in those who received a placebo1.

Витамин Ц et чедно дрво : Vitamin C may be beneficial for women with hormonal imbalances. In this case, taking 750 mg / day of vitamin C for six months resulted in a pregnancy rate of 25% while it was only 11% in those not supplemented.2. ТХЕ'агнусчист (= chaste tree) supports the production of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone.

Л'аргинине. This amino acid to be taken at a rate of 16 g / day would improve the fertilization rate in women who have failed to get pregnant with IVF3. In a clinical trial, more infertile women became pregnant after taking an arginine product (30 drops twice a day for three months) compared to those taking a placebo4.

Goji elixir. 1 to 2 caps / day, which contains 400 times more vitamin C than orange, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, vitamin E, essential fatty acids Omega 6 and Omega 3 easily assimilated.

Maintain physical activity and fight against a sedentary lifestyle

The movement improves all the physical and psychic functions of the organism. 30 min per day is enough for the majority of women. If there is overweight, that is, if the BMI is over 25, then it is advisable to increase physical activity to one hour per day. To simultaneously contribute to good stress management, it may be interesting to integrate gentle exercises, centered on the breath and the feeling, such as those offered in relaxation or sophrology. However, avoid intensive physical activity to avoid physical and mental stress.

Consult an osteopath if necessary to check the flexibility and position of the small pelvis.

Observe your cycle to stimulate pregnancy

We can observe its temperature curve to understand how its cycle works. The thermal variations observed during the cycle are directly related to the level of progesterone

(= hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle and pregnancy).

In the 1st part of the cycle: progesterone is low, and so is the temperature

Right after ovulation, progesterone rises sharply, and the temperature rises.

In 2nd part of cycle: progesterone and temperature are high. Overall, two plateaus are observed which correspond to the two phases of the cycle and the temperature difference between the two is approximately 0,5 ° C. Ovulation therefore occurs when the temperature is at its lowest, usually the day before the heat rises. This is the minimum to know to understand that a woman’s cycle fluctuates according to hormones. A cycle irregularity or PMS will indicate a hormonal imbalance that will need to be managed.

We can measure hormones in the blood (FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, etc.). The period of fertility does not exceed 3 days.

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