«Me, him and the waitress»: the story of one bad date

How to make a date successful? Hundreds of books have been written about it and as many training videos have been shot. And the most important rule indicated in them says — be attentive to your partner. During the meeting, there should be nothing more important than him — no news or calls from friends. True, judging by the experience of our heroine, not everyone follows this testament.

Многе девојке имају читаву листу неуспешних састанака током којих је нешто пошло по злу: изглед колеге није одговарао његовој фотографији на сајту, место састанка је било неуспешно или је сам партнер испао чудан… Али ситуације попут Емили из Лос Анђелес, дешава се ретко. Бар желим да верујем.

Emily saw her companion not for the first time — their acquaintance took place two days before the date: “I was standing in line at the bar, and he came up and spoke to me. And I felt very comfortable.”

As a result, the girl gave her phone number to a new acquaintance, but it was not him who aroused her interest, but his friend — Emily expected that they would spend time together, and then she would get to know him better. But she failed to put the plan into action.

X-day has come. “When he suggested that we meet for dinner, I thought that we would gather with the whole company,” the narrator explained. — When I realized that we were left alone, it was too late to retreat. And I thought it was worth giving him a chance.»

Састанак није прошао добро од почетка. Младић је све време причао о себи, о својој жељи да води јутјуб канал са модним саветима за мушкарце, чак је коментарисао и изглед своје сапутнице. А онда је почео да флертује… са конобарицом. Које је Емили снимила на видео, касније га објавила на ТикТок-у.

And then “everything got even better” — according to the narrator, the waitress answered the flirtation, not paying attention to the fact that the girl was next to them.

Emily’s first thought was revenge — she noted that she wanted to ask the guy to buy her a drink, and then go flirt with someone else in front of him. But the girl did not do this. She just talked to another woman and went home.

Емилина видео прича је брзо постала популарна и прикупила преко хиљаду коментара. Многи су били изненађени што је девојка остала за шанком и дозволила да флертује поред ње, уместо да одмах оде.

Someone even sided with the guy: “Maybe you weren’t interesting enough? If you played on the phone or made him «pull» the conversation on you, then this is your problem. But it’s not. According to Emily, the counterpart called her several times after that meeting, but she did not answer him. And who is not interested here?

Лепо је знати да се све добро завршило. Наратор је прецизирао да је ова прича није узнемирила и да је није одвратила од нових познанстава. Напротив, нешто касније имала је „невероватан” састанак са „невероватном” особом. Можемо само претпоставити да је нова сапутница познавала правила добрих састанака. И није флертовао ни са ким осим са девојком.

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