Имам 15 година и желим дете!

Са Кристофом Мартелом, психологом-психоаналитичаром у породилишту и дому за децу социјалног карактера.

“I met my companion at 14, he was 17 and a half. Le grand Amour… Very quickly, I wanted to start a family, it was my priority! I was not feeling well, I had the feeling that I was missing something. From the age of 15, I asked my darling for a baby. But he was not ready and found me very young: he was not wrong. The years passed, I obtained my Baccalaureate S. Once released from this goal, I told myself that it was the moment to have this child so much desired. I thought about it more and more. My boyfriend had a job, so we went for it! The second month of testing was good.

I feel like my life started the day my son was born. This lack that I felt for so many years is filled, I only live for him now. I bring him everything I can give him. My man is still present. We love each other very much. ” Elodie, 20 years old, mother of Rafael, 13 months old.

What is hiding a desire for such a young child?

Мишљење психијатра : When I ask the young girls themselves to answer this question, they often explain to me that they wanted a child to “repair” their own childhood. The lack that Elodie evokes is probably the one she felt as a child. I often hear from the pregnant teens I interview: “This baby, I could finally give him all the love I didn’t have.” Subconsciously, they desire a child to “do better” than their own parents.

The incredible pact of 18 American teenagers!

In June 2008, the press relayed this intriguing information: 18 high school girls from Massachusetts, all aged under 16, voluntarily became pregnant at the same time and then raised their babies together! A way “to finally have someone who loves them unconditionally”, had confided, very excited, several of them.

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