Хифолома оивичена (Хипхолома маргинатум)

  • Одељење: Басидиомицота (Басидиомицетес)
  • Пододељење: Агарицомицотина (Агарицомицетес)
  • Класа: Агарицомицетес (Агарицомицетес)
  • Подкласа: Агарицомицетидае (Агарицомицетес)
  • Редослед: Агарицалес (Агариц или Ламеллар)
  • Породица: Стропхариацеае (Стропхариацеае)
  • Род: Хипхолома (Хифолома)
  • Тип: Hypholoma marginatum (Hypholoma bordered)

Хифолома оивичена (Хипхолома маргинатум) фотографија и опис

Hypholoma bordered from the strophariaceae family. A distinctive feature of this type of mushroom is a warty leg. To see it well, you need to look over the edge of the cap along the stem.

Hypholoma bordered (Hypholoma marginatum) settling singly or in small groups only in coniferous forests among fallen needles on the soil or on rotten stumps of pines and spruces. Grows in damp coniferous forests on rotten wood or directly on the soil, prefers mountainous terrain.

The cap of this fungus is 2-4 cm in diameter, round-bell-shaped, later flat, hump-shaped-convex in the center. Coloring is dark yellow-honey.

The flesh is yellowish. The plates adhering to the stem are light straw-yellow, later greenish, with a white edge.

The stem is lighter above and dark brown below.

Spores are purple-black.

The taste is bitter.

Хифолома оивичена (Хипхолома маргинатум) фотографија и опис

Hypholoma marginatum is rare in Our Country. In Europe, in some places it is quite common.

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