Почетак Научно веће Превентивни прегледи Рак Дијабетес Кардиолошке болести Шта није у реду са Пољацима? Живите здравији извештај 2020 Извештај 2021 Извештај 2022

Even 200 years ago, the average human life expectancy was 40 years. Today Poles live on average over 80 years and there are many indications that this number will continue to grow. Where does this phenomenon come from? How do we compare with other European countries? And why do Polish women live significantly longer than Poles? Take a look at our infographic.

We live longer and longer, as if in spite of many diseases of civilization that threaten me. The definition of old age, maturity and what can and should be done at a given age is changing. We stay healthy longer, we want to be needed and active longer. Where did these changes come from?

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